
Friday, May 31, 2024

Jesus and Beelzebul Luke 11:14-23 ---- The Stronger is Here!

A lot of our wrong decisions are made because we fail to understand the true facts and misinterpret them. We made assumptions that are not true. We have constraints that are true. We fail to see the realities because of our prejudice and bias. 

We need to apply the Inductive Bible Study method to real life. This method involves three steps:

1 observation - what are the facts

2 interpretation - what are the meanings of the facts

3 application - how to apply the understanding into our life.

Another way is to follow the OODA proposed by an American fighter pilot. See #1 OOSA in the Lessons below:


  • #1 OODA Correctly
    • Observe the facts and evidence clearly. Do not have any preconceived ideas, opinions,etc. Put off your color lenses.

      Jesus cast out a dump demon and the person was healed.

    • Orientate: What do the facts tell us. Interpret them rightly.

      Jesus is stronger than the demon.

      Jesus is not a demon as the demon kingdom is not divided against itself.

      A greater power, Jesus, the Kingdom of God is at hand.

    • Decide: What are we going to do with the understanding gained?

      We know Jesus as the powerful man from God. We want to relate to Him.

    • Action: immediately act on our decision. OODA is proposed by an American fighter pilot. In a short time, he must go through OODA quickly.

      We receive Jesus as our Savior and Lord. Don't delay.

    • The importance of clear observation, correct interpretation, decisive action, and timely response is important in understanding and responding to Jesus' teachings and actions.
  • Key takeaways from Gemini
    • Jesus refutes accusations with logic and exposes their inconsistency.
    • Jesus' miracles signify the presence of God's Kingdom.
    • Following Jesus requires a clear choice.
  • Gemini's comments on my OODA:
    • Your comments on Luke 11:17-23 are insightful! The OODA loop you described is a great framework for analyzing this passage.
    • Here are some additional thoughts based on your analysis:
    • Confirmation through scripture: Other passages in the Bible support Jesus' authority over demons (e.g., Mark 1:21-28). This reinforces the idea that Jesus' actions point to the arrival of God's Kingdom.
    • Universal call: Your conclusion that Jesus' actions call for a response is central to the Christian message. Following Jesus involves accepting his teachings and committing oneself to his way of life.
    • Overall, your interpretation highlights a key message in this passage: Jesus' power over demons reveals his divine nature and invites people to follow him.

Jesus Before Herod Luk 23:6-12 ---- Challenges in Achieving Justice

Bill Gates: "Life is not fair; get used to it."

George Orwell: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

Friedrich Nietzsche: "The world is beautiful, but has a disease called man."

Thomas Sowell: "Life in general has never been fair, but it is perhaps truest in the marketplace, where almost every rule designed to make things 'fairer' makes them worse."

The unfairness and injustice can be clearly seen in how Jesus was judged and sentenced to death.

It can be seen in the conflicts of interests of various parties involved; each one wants the best for himself. In the world of politics, of conflicts, and wars among nations, races, and religions. Here are some positive quotes:

Haruki Murakami: "The world isn’t fair, but that’s not the reason to give up on it."  "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

Martin Luther King Jr.: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Albert Einstein: "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it."

J.R.R. Tolkien: "The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.

May we have the wisdom and the grace to help resolve the conflicts in our own circles of influence. 


  • Finding justice can be difficult:
    • Even with a fair judge like Pilate recognizing Jesus' innocence, political pressure and mob rule can make it hard to achieve a just outcome.
  • 1. **Delegation and Passing Responsibility**:
    • - **Lesson**: You don't have to solve all the problems that come to you. It's sometimes wiser to pass the issue to someone who is better equipped to handle it, whether due to better relationships, authority, or specific expertise.
    • - **Example**: Pilate passed the 'hot-potato' issue of Jesus to Herod, who had jurisdiction over Galilee, thus trying to delegate a difficult decision.
  • 2. **Preparedness and Opportunity**:
    • - **Lesson**: Opportunity comes to those who are prepared. Being open and ready to learn and understand deeper truths is crucial.
    • - **Example**: Herod wasted his opportunity to know the truth and learn from Jesus because he sought entertainment rather than genuine understanding. Jesus did not respond to Herod because Herod's mind was closed and not receptive to the truth.
  • 3. **Source of Conflicts**:
    • - **Lesson**: Conflicts often arise from differing interests and power struggles.
    • - **Example**: Herod, as a Jewish leader, and Pilate, as the Roman governor, were in conflict due to their differing roles and power dynamics.
  • 4. **Shared Interests Form Alliances**:
    • - **Lesson**: Shared interests, even negative ones, can bring people together and form alliances.
    • - **Example**: Pilate and Herod, previously enemies, became friends over their mutual involvement in deciding Jesus' fate. Their cooperation was driven by a common interest in resolving what to do with Jesus, aligning their actions to avoid trouble with their superiors in Rome.
  • 5. **Challenges in Achieving Justice**:
    • - **Lesson**: Finding justice can be difficult, especially when external pressures interfere with fair judgment.
    • - **Example**: Even with Pilate recognizing Jesus' innocence, the political pressure from the crowd and the need to maintain order led to an unjust outcome.
These lessons emphasize the importance of strategic delegation, being open to truth, understanding the roots of conflicts, recognizing how shared interests can create alliances, and acknowledging the complexities of achieving justice.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Jesus Before Pilate Luke 23:1-5 ---- Persistent Accusation & Lies

Misunderstandings, conflicts, and quarrels are common things in any relationship. Sometimes we are the accused party and other times we are called to be the mediator or even judge. Be careful not to take sides and be like Pilate who need to determine and discover the truth. Take multiple perspectives, consider the underlying intentions and desires, and not just the saying and actions. Go for one-on-one conversations with all the parties involved.


  • 1. **Vigilance Against Sabotage:**
    • - Be aware that others may attempt to sabotage you using various accusations and lies tailored to different situations to condemn you.
    • - The religious leaders' shift from religious to political accusations against Jesus in front of Pilate illustrates that accusations can be driven by ulterior motives rather than a genuine pursuit of truth. This reminds us to be cautious of the underlying agendas behind accusations.
  • 2. **Role as Judge, Mediator, or Facilitator:**
    • - **Objective Review:** Ensure a thorough and unbiased examination of the accusations to uncover the truth.
    • - **Comprehensive Evaluation:** Take into account the perspectives and evidence from all sides to form a well-rounded understanding of the situation.
  • 3. **Persistence of Accusers:**
    • - Recognize that accusers may not relent easily and be prepared to invest the necessary time and resources to clarify and address the accusations.
These lessons emphasize the importance of discernment, objectivity, and perseverance in the face of false accusations and conflicts. They encourage a commitment to truth and justice, even when challenged by persistent and manipulative adversaries.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Jesus Before the Council Luke 22:63-71--- Truth is Persecuted in a Dark World

We were told that "Honesty is the best policy". However, wisdom tells us that there is a right time, place, and people to tell the truth. While we don‘t tell lies, we must also know when to keep quiet. Because people may not want to hear the truth. Jesus was killed because he could not deny the truth that He is the Son of God. It shows us the evil in the hearts of the religious leaders then.


  • When a person's mind is made up, any evidence to invalidate his belief would be rejected. He only wants to see the evidence that supports his belief, the rest is excluded. --- confirmation bias.
  • Jesus was killed because He told the truth that He is the Son of God, the Messiah.
  • In a world with evils, truth is not necessarily welcome and accepted. In fact, those who tell it are likely to be persecuted.
    • Jesus was mocked & killed
  • Be wise, choose the right time, place, and people to tell the truth. If not, it is better to keep quiet. Know how to protect yourself.
    • Matthew 7:6:"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you."

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Peter Denies Jesus Luke 22:54-62 --- Love & Resilience

Love is concern about what happens to others; so that timely help can be given. However, at times, there are things beyond our ability to help even though we desire to. Our human weakness may cause us to withdraw just as Peter's denial. But it does not mean we lose faith or love. We just need to get up again from our falls. Showing understanding and compassion helps people to have hope and courage to stand up again. May we be encouraged to continue in our work of faith and love despite the many mistakes we made along the way.


  • 1 Love involves caring about what happens to others
    • but it does not mean being a busybody.
  • 2 Human Weakness and Grace:
    • Peter's denial shows his fears and our natural tendency to protect ourselves against threats and harm.
  • 3 Understanding And Compassion:
    • Jesus' look at Peter was more than "I told you so" but rather "I understood and I am concern about you"
  • 4 Transformative Power Of Love.
    • That love of Jesus convicted Peter.
  • 5 Faith is Resilience
    • It is not that we won't make mistakes, but that we will repent and stand up again.
    • 2 Corinthians 4:8-9: "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." (NIV)
    • Proverbs 24:16: "For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes."


The greatest turning point of Peter's life is in "And Peter went out and wept bitterly.” - Luk_22:62.

He came to realize his inadequacy. A broken heart that give up all his self-confidence and self-will. When we came to realize that we can't, don't be disappointed, and don't stop there. It is then we that can through Christ to strengthen me.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus Luke 22:47-53 --- Strategic Planning & Secrecy

The key teachings of Sun Zi's Art of War are illustrated well in this betrayer and arrest of Jesus. We have to be watchful and plan accordingly, considering the seasons, terrains, and motivations of all stakeholders. This is about strategic planning and execution.


  • 1. Strategic Planning and Secrecy:
    • #1 A plan must be carried out in secretly and in stealth mode so as not to arouse attention and opposition. It must be a surprise, an unexpected thing to catch the enemy off-guard.
  • 2. The Danger of Betrayal from Within:
    • #2 The worst enemy is an insider betrayer who knew the most and most difficult to be discover like Judas. While Jesus knew all along, His disciples didn't. Jesus gave the decision to Judas.
  • 3. Avoid Impulsive Actions:
    • #3 Do not act impulsively like Peter who may have caused a big fight with lots of injuries and even death. His four people could not overcome the larger crowd of the chief priests and their servants and guards.
  • 4. Evaluate Consequences Before Acting:
    • #4 Sun Zi's Art of War teaches us to evaluate the consequences before taking action. He tell us to choose to fight only the wars we could win. That is the secret of hundred battles hundred victories.
  • 5. Seek Peace When Outmatched:
    • - Jesus healed the servant’s ear to prevent further violence. This demonstrates that when faced with an unwinnable situation, it is wise to minimize harm and seek a peaceful resolution
    • Luke 14:31-32 (NIV): "Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace."
  • 6. Timing and Location in Strategic Planning:
    • #6 Planning must choose the timing and battlefield advantages - The priests dare not arrest Jesus in the morning. They chose to arrest Jesus at night and at a secluded place where no others were present.
  • 7. Commitment to Higher Purpose:
    • #7 You cannot win a war when your men do not want to fight. In this case, Jesus was willing to be captured to fulfill the scripture. Jesus' willingness to be captured to fulfill the scriptures shows that a true leader understands and commits to a higher purpose, even at a personal cost.
  • 8. Adapt to the Current Environment:
    • - Recognize the prevailing conditions and act accordingly. During the “hour when darkness reigns,” it is wise to avoid confrontation, survive, and wait for a more favorable time to act. Understanding the context and timing is crucial for success.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives Luke 22:39-46 --- Be Watchful & Pray

People who are strong, whether spiritually or physically, come from the accumulation of daily discipline routines.  Our weaknesses reveal our lack of constant training. When times are difficult, the more we need to pray to rely on God's grace, strength, and wisdom.  Let us develop a daily routine, as Jesus did, of a quiet time of communion with God.


  • Believers are to have a quiet time with God daily even as Jesus did that.

  • In all times, especially in challenging times, we are to pray to God for guidance and strengths

  • Even Jesus had times of weakness, but His will and obedience overcame His human weakness.
  • More so, we should rely on God's grace and strength to overcome our trials.

  • Jesus' agony was shocking --- He was sweating out blood.

  • His disciples were of not much help in His time of distress. He was concerned about their potential failures and reminded them to pray for strength.
    • reminds us of the importance of supporting each other during difficult times.

  • God will answer our prayers. God even had angels for us as He sent angels to strengthen Jesus.
    • Hebrews 1:14 (ESV) "Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?"

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Scripture Must Be Fulfilled in Jesus Luke 22:35-38 --- Different Actions for Different Situations

We must stay flexible and be adaptable in life. When things do not turn out as we expected, we must learn why so that we can understand the new rules and discard the old ones that do not work anymore.

We must be ready for the adverse situations that we may face in life. Chinese has a saying "如履薄冰"  a situation that is extremely precarious, akin to walking on thin ice. It metaphorically suggests that danger could arise at any moment, necessitating a very cautious and careful approach to whatever one is doing.


  • We must learn to adapt to the changing situation. What used to be the right thing to do may not be so at this time. In the past, the disciples need not be prepared when sent out; this time, they need even to have swords to protect themselves.

  • Jesus must fulfill the prophecies about Him to be the Messiah - to save men from their sins and condemnation by His suffering.

  • Are we willing to go through some hardships to help others when God tells us to?

They remind us to be flexible, committed to our faith, and willing to make sacrifices for what we believe in.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Jesus Foretells Peter's Denial Luke 22:31-34 ---- Stronger through Trials

When something happens, do you focus on the failure or the recovery?
We are quick to point out Peter's pride and failure in his denial of Christ but forget about the before when Jesus interceded for him and the after when Peter became strong enough to lead the church delegated by Jesus. We learn God cares for us and will lead us through the trials and become victorious despite our earlier failures. The lesson we should remember about Peter's denial of Christ is only "we will be stronger through trials".

See also "Change the direction of your thinking and you will get a different answer & wisdom"


  • God is concerned about our welfare, our sufferings, and fears, and will help us to go through and come out of them.
    • Philippians 1:6: "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
    • 1 Peter 5:7: "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
    • Psalm 46:1: "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."
  • There is Spiritual Warfare - Satan will use all kinds of trials to defeat us.
  • Our faith is strengthened through trials.
    • James 1:2-4: "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
    • 1 Peter 1:6-7: "In all this, you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."
    • Romans 5:3-5: "Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."
    • Mencius (孟子) 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。"When Heaven is about to confer a great responsibility on any man, it will exercise his mind with suffering, subject his sinews and bones to hard work, expose his body to hunger, put him into poverty, and place obstacles in the paths of his deeds, so as to stimulate his mind, toughen his nature, and enhance his abilities."
  • We need to be Self-Aware and humble. Do not, out of ego and pride, boast of things that we really could not do.
  • After our recovery, we need to strengthen others as we are strengthened by others.
    • 1 Thessalonians 5:11: "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."
  • Are you going through trials?
    • Come to Jesus. Ask for help Phil 4:6-7. Trust and give thanks that He will lead you through.
    • Philippians 4:6-7: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Who Is the Greatest? Luke 22:24-30 --- Servant Leadership

The purpose of leadership is to lead and accomplish a shared goal together. It is not about getting a promotion though it would naturally happen when we pursue the shared goal. As believers, we are to help develop others to become leaders and followers to spread the gospel worldwide starting with the people around us. It is about going through the hard times together. It is about being faithful to Jesus. It is about setting examples and delegating tasks. Eventually, we are all partakers of the heavenly kingdom.


  • Leaders are to serve to Lead
    • setting the examples for their followers to follow.
    • helping them to develop and grow up to be leaders as their masters and not just accrue power.
    • a key method is to delegate tasks to them; entrusting them with responsibilities.
    • Leaders and followers go through tough times together.
    • those who are faithful and do well will be promoted - given a kingdom to manage; and rewarded with greater leadership roles/responsibilities. An eternal kingdom eventually.

  • Perplexity.AI
    • 1. Avoid the pursuit of status and greatness. The disciples were arguing about who was the greatest among them, revealing their desire for status and recognition. Jesus rebuked this attitude. [2][4]
    • 2. True greatness comes through humble service. Jesus taught that the greatest should become like the youngest/least, and the leader should be as one who serves. Greatness in God's kingdom is measured by selfless service, not titles or positions of authority. [2][4]
    • 3. Lead by example. Jesus pointed to His own life as the model of servant leadership, enduring trials and temptations yet remaining faithful in service to God's will. True leaders must exemplify the sacrificial service they call others to. [4]
    • 4. Contrast worldly and godly leadership. Worldly leaders "lord it over" others and seek titles like "Benefactor," but Jesus rejected such self-exalting leadership styles. Godly leaders lead with humility and put others first. [4]
    • 5. Persevere through trials. Jesus commended the disciples for standing by Him through His trials/temptations, highlighting the need for faithful endurance amidst opposition and difficulties in leadership roles. [4]
    • 6. Eternal rewards await faithful servants. Jesus promised that those who persevered with Him would be rewarded by judging the twelve tribes of Israel and eating at His table in His kingdom, motivating selfless service with the promise of future honor. [2][4]
    • Citations:
      • [2]
      • [4]

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Institution of the Lord's Supper Luke 22:14-23 ---- Holy Communion

This is the most important passage of the Bible, the institution of the Holy Communion. It contained the full meaning of the Gospel and it is the gospel fulfilled by Jesus Christ. It is the meditation and practice for victorious and joyful Christian living. If you encounter any difficulty or depression, come to this passage and meditate on the meaning and implications of this Holy Communion.


  • Meaning & Importance of the Holy Communion
  • Partake the Holy Communion Often
  • God knows our hearts and will warn us for us to change.
    • e.g. the warning to the betrayer Judas.
  • God's plan would be established with or without us. Will we yield to God's plan.
  • The is the possibility of a betrayer, a spy, in any team. Plan for such a contingency. The selling of a company's secret is a frequently reported crime.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Passover with the Disciples Luke 22:7-13 ---- Go and Prepare

Delegation is key in developing your staff. It is also for developing your leadership. It starts with doing the easy things first. It is for them to develop trust and confidence. In this story, the disciples also learned about the foreknowledge and power of Jesus. God prepare and take care of all the details for you. Similarly, when executing any assigned tasks, you must take care of all the details preferably in advance. When the staff grows in competence, then maybe we can give them more freedom in deciding how to achieve the objective.


  • Know the task
    • Know the task that God or People want us to do
  • Ask for clarity
    • Ask to make sure you know the task well enough to execute it.
  • Trust in God's provision
    • If it is from God, God will also instruct and prepare the ways for you. We just need to follow it.
  • Act in faith
    • It takes faith to follow God's instruction. May we have the boldness to follow it. We would find that God had prepared for us already.
  • Experience growth and joy
    • May you continue to grow in your faith and experience the joy of following God's leading!
  • Galatians 2:20
    • "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

Monday, May 20, 2024

The Plot to Kill Jesus Luke 22:1-6 --- Understanding thier Motivations & Hence their Plans

If we want to predict what will happen, it is best to understand the motivations and intentions of the stakeholders. Better, if you can get insiders to become your spies and feed you the information you need. These are the teachings of Sun Zi's Art of War and are clearly illustrated in this story about the betrayal of Jesus by Judas to the chief priests. Master these and be able to handle the situations in life.


  • Intelligence collection is the key to any plan. The best source of information is an insider acting as a spy. This is a key teaching of Sun Zi's Art of War (Chapter 13 Spies). Otherwise, Garbage-in-Garbage-Out.
  • It is important to do things secretly without attracting the attention of the enemy/people. It is another principle of the Art of War.
  • Greed and Motivation (their desires) are the main forces to get people to become spies to betray their masters.
  • What was the chief priests' motivation?
    • This Jesus was exposing the hypocrisies of the religious leaders and getting the wide support of the people threatens their influence over the people. He must be stopped.
    • This underscores the conflict between genuine spiritual leadership and the corruption that can arise from institutional power. It also shows how perceived threats to authority can provoke preemptive, often unethical actions.

      Feedback from ChatGPT4o

  • What was Judas' motivation?
    • Judas thought that Jesus, the Messiah, would establish His kingdom and he could become an important official with power and wealth. But Jesus talked about His death. His hope was gone. He planned to make the best out of it.
    • This highlights the danger of misplaced expectations and the importance of aligning personal goals with broader mission values. It also serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of disillusionment and greed.

      Feedback from ChatGPT4o

  • Understanding the motivations and intentions of the stakeholders enables us to predict their plans and the future. It helps us to understand the changes and enable us to prepare for them.
  • What is our motivation? What are our desires? Those are the areas where the devil and others that will get us to do evil or nasty things.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Watch Yourselves Luke 21:34-38 --- How to Watch - Communication with Him

How can we prepare for the 2nd Coming of Christ? Jesus had taught us clearly  --- focus on our calling, stay away from pleasure-seeking or worry about our life, and just stay close to Him by spending time with Him, to request for help, and more importantly receiving guidance and instructions.


  1. How do we prepare for the 2nd Coming of Christ?
  2. Know our calling and life purpose and focus our energy on them.
  3. Not be trapped in pleasure-seeking or be worry about living forgetting to trust God to take care of us.
  4. Be aware of the events happening around us and the signs of time. Preparation for the future.
  5. Stay in close contact with God through prayers - communication both ways
  6. Balance public ministry and teaching with private prayer and reflection.
  7. These points highlight the importance of vigilance, purpose, trust, awareness, prayer, and balance in your spiritual life as you prepare for the Second Coming of Christ.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Lesson of the Fig Tree Luke 21:29-33 --- Know the Signs of His Coming

Change does not happen randomly. There are always early tell-tale signs. We are to be watchful of those signs. Christ had specifically and often told us about the signs of His coming again so that we would not be caught unprepared. The world may not know and be prepared because they believe not. But believers are in the know and should prepare for His coming. A big question would be, how do we prepare for His coming? What do you think?


  1. When making any decision, first consider the tell-tale signs, understand the trend and progression of changes to come, and then decide to ride on the trend and have the best outcome.
  2. Jesus uses the fig tree. Chinese i-Ching 2nd Hexagram Earth had a statement, stepping on frost and you know ice will be formed and cold winter is coming. 履霜,堅冰至。
  3. We can look forward to the complete salvation of mankind and a New Heaven and Earth - the ideal world for people to live with their God and Savior forevermore.
  4. Jesus' words are eternal and trustworthy, providing a solid foundation for faith and action.
  5. Now is the time to spread the good news and influence people to receive Christ. He is coming soon.

Friday, May 17, 2024

The Coming of the Son of Man Luke 21:25-28 --- Signs of His 2nd Coming

When anyone claims that he is the Christ, we can immediately know that he is the false Christ. This is because Jesus has told us that His 2nd coming will be apparent to everyone, coming in the cloud with glory and power. Jesus told us to watch for the signs --- the upheaval of stars, sun, and moon, and the natural disasters. In these times of distress and great fear, believers are told to carry on without fear, be expectant, and await the coming of the Lord. Be at peace, because God is in charge.


  • watch for the signs to know what is coming
  • there is hope in the midst of turmoil because Christ our Redeemer is coming to establish a better world
  • Be steadfast in these challenging times because of our faith and hope in Christ. because God's ultimate purpose will prevail.
  • We are to prepare for His coming.
    • deepening one’s relationship with God,
    • living in accordance with His teachings,
    • and being vigilant in prayer.
    • be busy with our normal work.
  • Gemini:
    • In Luke 21:25-28, Jesus describes signs of trouble in the world, including distress among nations and disturbances in the natural world. People will be fearful, and anxious about what is to come. However, Jesus instructs his followers to not be afraid. Instead, they are to be encouraged, because these signs indicate that their redemption is drawing near.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Jesus Foretells Destruction of Jerusalem Luke 21:20-24 --- Prophecy & Recommended Actions

With so many self-claimed and mutually supportive promotions of prophets, we are to be careful and must know how to judge their prophecies. Besides making sure they don't conflict with the Bible, there is one more criterion as illustrated by Jesus here. There must be recommended actions to take when the prophesized happens.


  • Face the realities of the situation and act wisely.
    • eg when Jerusalem was surrounded, run away and stay out.
  • It is difficult to go against the trend or against God's will
  • The Jews were dispersed worldwide until 1948 when Israel was born again.
    • It suggests that faith in God that all will end well and can provide strength during difficult times.
  • The phrase "until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled" suggests both a historical context (the Roman siege) and an eschatological one (end times prophecy). It invites reflection on the long-term significance of events and the ultimate fulfillment of divine plans.
  • Show compassion towards those who are most vulnerable in times of crisis.
  • Prophecies are given for us to prepare for the challenging future. Any prophecy must provide the recommended actions as Jesus told in this passage.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Jesus Foretells Wars and Persecution Luke 21:10-19 --- Signs of the end times and the trials

While times are getting bad, and persecutions arise against Christians, Jesus assured us not to worry but to trust God to care for, answer for, and deliver us. Can we sleep peacefully with such assurances?


  • Increasing Difficult Times:
    • Increase wars, earthquakes, famines, pandemics, violent weathers.... destruction and death
  • Persecutions of Christians
    • the bright side is those are times for witnessing
    • Be at peace and worry not because God will guide you in giving the answers
    • Answers that will overcome the opposition
  • God will protect you and you just need to stay the course.
  • Believers should expect opposition and suffering in this world, they must remain faithful and trust in God's protection and provision of strength. Perseverance in the face of persecution is the path to eternal life in Christ It is God at work in us to enable us to persevere in challenging times.
  • Certainly! The concept of God working within believers to enable perseverance is supported by various verses throughout the Bible. Here are a few examples:
  • 1. Philippians 2:13 (NIV):
    • "for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose."
  • 2. Philippians 4:13 (NIV):
    • "I can do all this through him who gives me strength."
  • 3. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (NIV):
    • "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
  • 4. Ephesians 3:16 (NIV):
    • "I pray that out of his glorious riches, he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,"
  • 5. 1 Peter 5:10 (NIV):
    • "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast."

Monday, May 13, 2024

Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple Luke 21:5-9 --- Understand & Prepare for the Future

We need to know that things will change and it is better for us to know the future and be prepared for it.
One needs to be prudent. Study and know God well to stay in the truth and be not led astray by false prophets and false Christ. Many will prey on our desire to know the future and exploit us.


  • Be aware of what will be happening and be prepared for them.
    • While we can't predict the future perfectly, we can build a strong foundation in faith and live a life according to God's will. This gives us strength in any situation.
  • Things on earth are not permanent. Do not trust or count on them to last. Count and Trust God.
    • Having faith gives us hope and perspective, even when facing challenges.
  • Be aware of the many false Christs coming who would lead people astray.
    • Discern true teaching & study the scriptures and seek God's guidance in understanding them.
  • Be aware that Christ will come again and there will be signs such as wars and rumors of war.
  • When the wars increase, and people's hearts grow cold, and more natural disasters(Matthew 24:3-31), then know that Christ is coming soon. Be ready anytime. Even so, be prepared to wait a long time.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Widow's Offering Luke 21:1-4 --- The Sacrificial Gift

How do we measure contribution? How do we measure wealth?
We tend to see the amount given and do not see the sacrifices the giver made.
God rewards the sacrifices made.
Even so, give even if it is little.


  • Richness is not measured by how much you possess but by how much you give. That is from a human perspective.
  • From God's perspective, richness is measured by how much you are willing to give or sacrifice out of your needs. The widow gave her all whereas the rich only gave out of their extras. She would be rewarded accordingly in heaven.
  • This is like the fable of the hen and pig. Upon seeing a group of refugees, the hen suggested to give them bacon-and-egg breakfast. For the hen, it is laying an egg. For the pig, it would have to sacrifice itself.
  • Jesus gave more than the widow - He gave us His life.
  • Generosity: Giving what you can, even if it seems small.
  • Faith: Trusting in God even when facing lack.
  • Priorities: Putting God and his will first.
  • Different Kinds of Giving: Giving can take many forms - time, talent, and resources.

Beware of the Scribes Luke 20:45-47 --- Watch out for Hypocrites

We are taught to know a person by checking whether what they do matches with what they say. Often, we only see their behavior without the opportunity of hearing what they say. Even so, we can get some understanding of their character from observing their behavior. Jesus told us to watch out for the behavior of the scribes, seeking the best, seeking glory and praises, showing off, the pretense of long prayers, and even bullying and cheating the widows. Such signs show their hypocrisy and narcissism. Let's not be fooled. 


  • Beware of hypocrisy
    • Not with outward appearances and public recognition but living a righteous life.
    • Following God is about having a genuine relationship with God and living a life that reflects his love.
    • They are to behave according to their understanding of God's Laws. But instead, they have outward behavior without inward conviction. They even cheated the widows' properties revealing their greed and evil within. They bully the weak for their benefit.
  • Leaders should serve, not be served
    • Leaders are to avoid pride and self-importance.
    • Mark 10:43-45, Jesus tells his disciples that "whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all."
  • Know a person not just by his outward behavior but also his inward heart.

  • We are to be authentic and be consistence in acting out from within and not in acting to cover up our inner bad self.

  • Acting to cover up our true self is deceiving others.

  • The Chinese Philosophy promoted 内圣外王 ruling outward from inner saintliness. 内修外治 Inner character development to manage outwardly. 

  • We are to act out our Christ within as witnessing for Christ.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Whose Son Is the Christ? Luke 20:41-44 --- Key Truth in The Puzzle

What is a radical innovation? It is something new that breaks the laws of compromising, and the limitations imposed on us.  Consider the limitation of time and space. In the past, we had to go to the stores to buy things, but now with e-commerce, things are delivered to our doorstep.  With Uber or Grab, you don't need to own a fleet of taxis to provide transport services. 

Great truth and possibility are hidden in contradictions and dilemmas. Think differently and you will discover the great truth. Jesus used this contradiction of David calling his son Lord to challenge the religious leaders and reveal the hidden truth that He was the Messiah.


  • A great truth is hidden in seeming contraction as in this case of Jesus' question.
  • To solve a contradiction, you need to look from a different dimension.
    • We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. --- Albert Einstein
  • Humanly speaking, we don't call our descendants Lord. It is more appropriate the other way around.
  • This contraction revealed the dual nature of Christ. Christ is God incarnated as David's descendant.
    • This highlights the limitations of human logic in grasping divine concepts.
  • A simple example would be, “How can a tortoise be longer than a snake?"
    • Not by length but by time - who lives longer?
  • Similarly, Jesus' question forces us to look beyond earthly lineage and recognize his divine status.
  • What contradiction or dilemma is you facing? Can you change your perspective to look at it? Can you think from a different dimension? Question or challenge your assumptions and beliefs.

Sadducees Ask About the Resurrection Luke 20:27-40 --- Resurrected Life is Different

We make mistakes when we assume the future will be just an extension of the present. The Sadducees did not believe in the afterlife because they found inconsistencies (e.g. marriages to many husbands) when projecting to the afterlife.  Jesus quoted scriptures, which they believed, to show them their errors.


  1. The future is not necessarily a projection or a continuation of the present.
  2. The key is to detect any underlying structural change where the old rules do not apply to the new world.
  3. Figure the new rules that apply in the changed world.
    e.g. marriages no longer apply in the resurrected world. The marriage of Jesus and the Bride of the Church is a different kind of marriage.
  4. Cite from accepted Authority to point out the errors of their belief.
  5. God is the God of the living. Believers are equal to angels, are sons of God, resurrected beings, and cannot die.