
Monday, July 4, 2022

Bible Study John 1:35-:51 They Found and were Convinced that Jesus was the Messiah

It started with Baptist John's two disciples who went to find out more about Jesus after John pointed out to them that Jesus was the Lamb of God. They wanted to make sure. Jesus invited them to come and see. The next day, Jesus went to look for Philip to ask him to follow Him. Philip told Nathanael about Jesus as the Messiah. Nathanael could not believe it and Philip asked him to go and see. They all were finally convinced that Jesus was the Messiah who they have been waiting and looking for.

 Q1 Who and how did they find Jesus as the Messiah?

  • Two of Baptist John's disciples. v35
  • From v40, one of them was Andrew, brother of Simon.
  • Baptist John pointed out Jesus as the lamb of God to them. v36
  • They believed in John and went to follow Jesus to find out more. v37-38
  • Jesus invited them to come to His home and see. v39
  • They spent the rest of the day (after 4pm) talking to Jesus。
  • They concluded that Jesus was the Messiah. v41
  • Andrew told his brother Simon and they went to see Jesus. v42
  • Jesus gave Simon a new name Peter the Rock, signifying Peter's future leadership in the Church. v42

Q2 How did Nathanael figure out that Jesus was the Messiah?

  • The day after Andrew & Peter's visit, Jesus went into Galilee to find Philip of Bethsaida and asked him to follow Him. v43-44
  • Philip went to tell Nathanael that they found the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, son of Joseph v45.
  • Nathanael expressed doubts about any great one that can come from Nazareth. v46
  • Philip did not argue but just said to come and see --- to verify for himself. v46
  • Jesus told Nathanael that he was a person without cunningness and said He had seen him under the fig tree before Philip found him. 47-48
  • Nathanael was shocked that Jesus could tell him where he was before they found him. This insight/foreknowledge convinced Nathanael that Jesus was the Messiah. v49
  • Jesus told Nathanael that he would see greater things and even see heaven open and angels ascending and descending on Him, the son of man. Indicating that Jesus is the Way to and from God. v50-51

Lessons Learned:

  1. Be like Baptist John, know and fulfill our calling; pointing people to Jesus.
  2. Don't argue, "Come and See", be a testimony for Jesus. Preaching the Gospel through our living.
  3. Sharing of Good News and Discovery like Andrew. Tell others about Jesus
  4. Give a new name for a changed life. 1:42 from Simon to peter the rock.
  5. People need pieces of evidence and miracles to want to know and believe v48-49
  6. Jesus is the Way and He will reveal Himself through miracles and revelation of God. v51