
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Grace n Laws

A good posting by our Larry ....

n Laws
If i ve 3 sons.First one I give him all grace,second :all laws,third :part grace part laws.
What will the outcome be?
Who will love the father more?
Who will be successful in career?
Who will be successfull both in career n relationship?
All grace may love the father more n become EQ stable.
All laws may be successful in studies n career, have I.Q but no E.Q.
Grace n laws may result in both success in career n relationship... both I.Q n E.Q.
Love n Laws
In a good functional family,
we must use love to rule our children n
we must use rules to love our children.
Use love to rule may include compassion,empathy,involvement n rewards
Use rules to love may include setting boundaries,times management,chores management,
anger management,punishment n whateverment..
Passion n Laws
In a good functional football game we need both.
Game without passion will end zero goal n draw.
Game without rules will end in fights.
Spirit n Laws
In a functional church we need both.
SPIRT:Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty(2 COR 3.17)
LAWS:And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”(John 8.32)
For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.(GAL5.13)
But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.(james 1.25)
In Petra
We ve elder to preach the WORD,lines upon lines n precepts upon precepts.
Who is also strong to set the boundaries,duties n rules.(LOGOS)
We ve pastor to preach the WORD with passion n worship flowing in the Spirit.(RHEMA)
Strong in mission n fieldworks.
I used to sleep on my right side,after a while it ache.
If i use right mind to put across my ideas,leftist n logical mind (truth) will complain.
Then i sleep on the left side,after sometimes this side also ache.
If i use my left mind to to put across my ideas,rightist n emotional mind (spirit)may complain.

No choice, i sleep face up.Middle of the night ,i got a kick.
My wife complain that i snore.
If i use part left n part right,sometimes both love me,sometimes both hate me.
Love the difference!
Children are different,petrans are different even leaders are also different.
We must love the difference through love serve one another n become doer of the work.
We ve not reach yet,but we must enjoy the journey.
Love all, serve all

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