The answer is in the 2nd part of the save verse 37
- Rom 8:37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
- Through Christ
- His love for us
Through Christ is then related to the earlier verses of following after the Spirit and His ways.
Jesus' ways are recorded in the Bible for us to follow. A key ingredient of the way of Christ is the way of love - most of the time is about learning His ways, more than about discipline and correction, and at times through adversity. In fact, in the study of the great leaders either in the Bible or in History are groomed through adversity. The path of adversity seems to be a key ingredient in growth into maturity. In the six-stage spiritual growth model, breaking through the wall in stage 4 enables us to grow into maturity of greater inward strength, less of self and more of God and an understanding of the compassion of Christ and of a Father.
Lim Liat (c) 4 July 2009
very useful post. I would love to follow you on twitter.