
Friday, December 11, 2009

Ephesians Chapter 6 Overcoming Life

We are in the War Zone
The section covers Eph 6:10-24.

The enemy, the devils, have invaded our territories, the earth that was given to us by God, and conquered it. Humans are under their deception and control. Humans are slaves thinking that they are free. But praise be to God and Jesus Christ who came to free us and empower us. Believers are people who broken free from their slavery and become free in Christ. Believers are given the responsibility of going back to free their fellow men. They are in war and under the attack of the enemy. But the enemy is spiritual operating through men. So it is very easy for us to get confused and attach the men instead of real enemy behind the scenes.

Eph 6:10 begins with "Be strong in Christ & in His Might" . Why? Because we are at war and is in the war zone. We are under attack.

The Enemy is Spiritual
Eph 6:12 tells us that we are fighting not against our fellow human beings, though it may appear that way, but against the spiritual forces in the sky. The enemy is well organized with different roles and areas of operation. They have special attack forces that work on governments and individuals. But one thing is clear, they work through human beings. Jesus rebuked the devil behind Peter's saying of asking Jesus not to go to the cross. So we should not be upset and unforgiving to those that hurts us. We need to wise as surpent so that we may not be easy victims of the enemy and at the same time we ourselves must take care not be used by the enemy to harm others (harmless as doves). Always remember that evil power working behind those friends and colleagues and even our loveed ones. How we can stand and be victorious in the midst of all these.

The True Meaning of Putting on the Whole Armor of God
The answer is to put on the whole armor of God. The armor of God is just a symbollic to aids our memory and it is not for us to really put the physical armor.

  1. Belt of Truth: The foundation is Truth which holds the other together. We must know the Truth and the Truth is and in Christ. Bible is our absolote reference point and standards for our conduct and values and judgment. Knowing the truth set us free. Believing in ungodly lies kept us in bondage and depression. Talk to people who are depressed and bitterness, you will find that they believe and hold on to lies.
  2. Breastplate of Righteousness: We must guard our hearts. A righteous heart, a renewed conscience is a guiding light. We must keep our hearts and motivation pure. Peace is the means where the Holy Spirit guides us. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit by hardening our hearts and be deaf to His promptiing. Do not indugle in sins and be short in hearing.
  3. Shoes of Gospels: We are not just to stand to withhold the devils attack. We should match forth to recover stolen territorities. We conquer and bring deliverance through the Gospels of the Kindgom of God - deliverances to the captive, new life in Christ for everyone who receives.
  4. Shield of faith: The 2nd area (1st is Truth vs Lies) of attack is our faith or trust in truth of the Bible. "Did God say?". These are other darts - accusations, persecutions, slanders, temptations, etc....
  5. Helmet of Salvation for the mind. A truth renewed and clear mind will make the right decisions. We must know that we are saved forever, rebirthed with the mind of Christ. Think like, feel like and decides like Christ. A condemned mindset will paralyze us for actions It will kept us in sins instead of repentance and breaking free. We can be knocked down, but be sure of our salvation and Christ's forgiveness, we will not be knocked out. We will rise up again from the mud and shine forth in Christ.
  6. Sword of the Spirit: Our weapon against the enemy is the Word of God - Bible. We can use it as defense - to cast off all the curses and all the evil reports. We are use it as offensive to command the promised Will of God to be done on earth as it is in heaven, to proclaim healing for the sick, deliverance for those in bondage of addictions, peace for those in strife, and the good news of Christ's salvation and the empowering grace of God for godly living.
  7. Praying: Praying is another weapon we are to use. For those who speak in tongues, this is a frequent reference for exhortation to pray all the time. Praying - connecting and commuication, especially the listening part, keep us alert to the real spiritual situation (manifested in the natural world) happening all the time. People who persecute you think that they are following God's will. We need discernment and we need to intercede for all. The key things to pray for - powerful and relevant Words of Wisdom for the situations and boldness (in face of the persecutions) to go forth to proclaim them. Boldness does not mean rashness and insensitivity and lack of respect. Listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit - the right word for the right time and the right situation will bring forth fruit.
Our Beloved Brother Tychicus
The Bible is not just about doctrines but real life living relationships. Here we have Tychicus as a faithful minister bringing them the latest updates about Paul. Keep your community alive and do not live a lonely Christian life. Join one or start a small group with the Christian brothers or sisters you can get along with.

Farewell Blessings
The farewell words are most important. These are the last words. What did Paul want us to be and have :
  1. peace - individual and community peace. (Not peace of inactivity or uniformity but harmony of differences. Lots of interactivities of building up the community of God to Christ likeness as per Eph 4-5 Chinise have a powerful word of this harmony 和 called 泰 - community abundance in peace ).
  2. love with faith - love is a will and a follow-on action. It takes great faith in the Word of God to love the unlovables. Nevertheless, do it because of Christ.
  3. grace - power of God for godly living. Grace comes from those who truly love Jesus. True love is a willingness, unconditional and of pure motive.
Questions for Reflections
  1. Who are our real enemies?  Who are not?  What are they doing?
  2. How do we fight this Spiritual Battle?
  3. How and What should we pray?
  4. What are the key blessings for our brothers?

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