
Monday, March 8, 2010

Bible Study - Book of James - True Faith is Just Do IT

We started with the book of Ephesians which covered the basic doctrines, the conduct and the overcoming life. A good tagline for Ephesians is Sit-Walk-Stand by Watchman Nee. I think a slight improvement could be "Sit-Walk-Overcome". Ephesians talkes about what should be. The book of Galatians teached what should not. It correct the common error of adding work to the completed work of grace of Christ making Christianity a legalistic religion rather than a vital personal relationship with Christ. We now go on to the study of the book of James. James talk about practical faith. It is about putting our faith in action. Our faith should be reflected in the work we do and not just in our confessions only.

True Faith is manifested in Good Work -Not just Talk only
Some people think that James is preaching justification by faith. This is not correct. James is preaching our inward faith should be shown in outward behaviour. True faith is more than just talk. True faith can be seen in outward behaviour. True faith will manifest itself in the good work done or in Paul's words, bearing out the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Or using Jesus' term, the salt and light.

True faith is Walk your Talk.

Main Teachings
  1. Trials bring Growth - Face it with Joy. 1:2-4
  2. True Believers are doer, not just hearer of the Words. 1:22. They are quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, learn the Word, help the needy, pure (as unstained by the world), impartial and be accountable to God in speech and action.
  3. A person is justified by true faith shown in the work 2:17,24.
  4. Self-control starts with and best measured with our tongue - our speech.
  5. Godly wisdom starts with devotion to God, and is peaceable, gentle, rational, merciful, bearing good fruits, impartial and faithful (sincere) 3:17
  6. Worldly wisdom results in fights caused by passions, jealousy, selfish ambition. 3:14,4:1
  7. Believers are transformed by : be humble, ask God for grace, submit to God and resist the devil 4:6-10
  8. Believers should help and care for others - change from self-indulgence (pursue of and hoarding of riches) to caring and saving others. James 5.
James' letter has no farewell benedictions. May be that part was lost. But the message is clear - live out your faith - Just do it!

Next:  Bible Study James 1:1-2:13 Behavior of the Matured...

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