
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bible Study James Chapter 3 Tame the Tongue

The Criteria for Teachers.
Chapter 3 started with an advise that many should not rush to become teacher. This is because teacher is subjected to stricter standard. Teacher talk more and hence greater opportunity to commit error. The talk has to be measured with the work done else we become a hypocrite. When we talk, we have the tendency to add salt and sauce to spice up our message trying to create an impression. That kind of 'boasting' is lying. Nevertheless, James did not suggest that we should not become a teacher. He is telling us that teachers need stringent criteria. We must choose the mature and those with self-control to become teachers.

The Measure of Maturity - Self Control
v3:2 He who does not stumble with tongue is a perfect man - able to control the whole body. Our tongue, or more accurately, our speech, is probably the best measure of our self-control and maturity. We can easily sin with our tongue by telling lie, gossip, curse, and just exaggerate. Tongue is just the external interface from our inner self. The tongue reveals our inner self. We must carefully listen and reflect on messages coming out of our tongue.

Power of Control - It is not the Size but the Position.
It is the position, the bit of horse, the rudder of ship, the spark at the right place that determine the outcome. We tend to judge thing by the external size rather than identifying the true source that control the whole body. A Chinese proverb says that to catch the robbers you must catch the chief. To control the behavior of a person, we must influence the inner man, expressed through the tongue and hands. This is done through wisdom from above. It is actually not the tongue but the person.

Taming the Tongue - Godly Wisdom
We are the product of what we believe. What we believe comes from what we learned. To have godly conduct then we must have Godly wisdom. It begins with humility - I don't know and I need to learn or to be taught (v13). If pride be the original sin then humility or meekness is the solution. James has a list of what Godly wisdom is like.... pure (single-minded devotion to God), peaceable (reap fruits of righteousness v18), gentle, open to reason, full of mercy, goodness, impartial (fairness), sincere (faithfulness). We can compare it with the list from Paul's fruit of the Spirit. You will find that Paul's list has patience and joy. But joy and patience are covered right up in Chapter 1 - count it all joy when we face trials because they will produce patience and strength.

Worldly Wisdom
Worldly wisdom is also described as earthly, unspiritual and demonic! What are these?
  1. selfish ambition
  2. jealousy
  3. boastful
    The outcome will be disorder and vile practices. More details are described in chapter 4.

    The common thread that link the above 3 is actually "I", or more specifically, our EGO. We must know how to let it go, from self centeredness to Christ centeredness.

    Questions for Reflection
    1. What are the qualifications to be teachers of the Word?
    2. What are some of measures to know we have self control?
    3. How to tame our tongue?
    4. How can you judge a wisdom is from above or hell?
    5. What is the best idea that you learned? What next action will you do to put this idea into use?
    See Bible Study James Chapter 3 Discussion for more details.

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