
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bible Study John 3:22-34 Joy of Life is Accepting Your Calling & Accomplish It

The common title for this paragraph are  "John the Baptist Exalts Christ", "Testimony of Jesus by John the Baptist", "The witness and doctrine of John concerning Christ".

Q1 What is the earthly value system revealed in this comparison of baptizing?
This discussion about purification led to John's disciples reporting to him that the Jesus he baptized earlier was now drawing more people. The value system we can see here is "I always want to have more no matter what". Our group must have more. The center is me and the measurement is more. John 25-26.

Q2 What is John the Baptist response? What does it mean?
John did not go by the worldly "My One-up-man-ship". He went by the will of God v27. He knew his calling of life as follows :.
  • I am not the Christ but was sent before Him v28
  • He is the bridegroom who has the bride (the believers) v29
  • I am the friend of the Bridegroom who rejoices greatly v29
 Hence, he can be joyful as:
  • My joy is complete v29
  • He must increase and I must decrease v30
We, the created beings of God, do not decide what are created for. We should ask our Creator God as John the Baptist who know his purpose of life well. We learn about our calling and learn to accept it. Our lives should be forced by the world or others or even ourselves. We should discover and accept our calling of life and then we will find true joy and satisfaction. We will not be envious of others who have a different calling and are, in the eyes of the world, have greater power, wealth and honor than us. We shall be judged only by what we do with the calling and talent that God has given to us. Complaining and blaming God for not giving us more, like the man with the one talent, will cause us to lead a miserable life now and even later. Mat 25:14-30.

Q3 What did John say about Jesus?
If we don't believe the claims of Jesus of himself, even from his works, we may perhaps accept the testimony of someone we can trust about Jesus. In a way, believers are like John the Baptist, telling others about Jesus. Here is Baptist John's testimony about Jesus:
  1. He comes from Heaven above. v31
  2. He is above all.
  3. He came to tell us about what he has seen and heard in Heaven (even though man does not receive his testimony - this is similar to John 1.
  4. Whoever receives his testimony sets his seal to this that God is true.
  5. He gives the Spirit without measures.
  6. The Father God loves the Son Jesus and had given all things to Him. (see John 5:22,17:2)
  7. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life (John 3:16 again)
  8. Whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life and the wrath remains on him. (see 3:18)
You can see that John the Baptist testimony is clearly what Jesus Himself had said.

Q4 What about you? Do you know your calling? Are you envious of others? What are you doing about fulfilling your calling of life?
Our calling is not just an end-point. It is a journey of life. God will lead us and mold us. Know and engage God first. As we leave this world, we can contently said "My mission is accomplished!". Or, in the words of Paul,
2Tim 4:7) I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8) Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.
We spend our lives in building this crown of righteousness here and now.

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