
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bible Study John 11 Raising of Lazarus

Q1 Discuss the relationships among Jesus, Lazarus, Mary and Martha.

Martha was the elder sister of Mary and Lazarus was their younger brother. Martha was well known for her diligence in serving others and at times at the expense of communication (Luke 10:38-41). Martha love language was serving and she was more task oriented. Mary was more people oriented and personal. She spent time with people to build relationship. Mary anointing of Jesus was specifically mentioned here to show her love for Jesus (Will come back to this on John 12:3. It was likely that she was the woman mentioned in Mar 14:3, Mat 26:6-7 since it happened in Bethany but could be different due to different actions recorded).

They were close friends of Jesus at Bethany. This could be seen from Jesus' feeling and action in John 11:5 Jesus loved them, 33 greatly troubled, 35 Jesus wept. This is the shortest verse in the Bible.

Q2 Explain why Jesus waited 2 days longer when he heard Lazarus was ill? What else can you learn from this?

Jesus wanted to make doubly sure that everyone then knew Lazarus was truly dead so that there would not be any argument about the raising of the death. This raising of the death is a true testimony to Jesus' claim of "I am the Resurrection and the Life".  When Jesus arrived at Bethany, Lazarus had already been in the tomb four days.

We also learned that things taking a turn for the worse, from sickness to death, may not be a bad thing in the plan of God.(John 11:15 glad that I was not there so that you may believe). This raising bring great glory to Jesus and also hasten His death.

This incident also shown Jesus had word of knowledge John 11:14 Jesus plainly told them that Lazarus was death even though the report they received was for sickness only.

When there is a call from God, danger was not an obstacle. John 11:8 the Jews were seeking to stone Him in Judea. Paul did the same, went to Jerusalem. despite the warning Act 11:21.

Q3 Compare Martha and Mary sayings to Jesus. What could we infer from that?

Both of them said the same thing “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” Their concept of Jesus was just healer and not a life giver!

Jesus engaged Martha with a longer conversation. Hoping to give her greater faith that He was truly the Resurrection and Life and would raise Lazarus from the death. Martha gave the right answers with her mouth "Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.” John 11:27, but not with her heart! She later prevented Jesus from taking away the stone that covered the Lazarus tomb (John 11:39).

Mary shown more respect of Jesus, she fell at his feet (John 11:34) and she just keep quiet and trust Jesus to do the right thing. She may or may not had fully understood what Jesus meant, but she just follow Him. When we are unsure, it is better to keep our mouth shut and don't speak out words of doubts.

(For a different interpretation of Martha's response see God-Inspired Delays - Martha shamed Him by saying..)

Q4 Describe how Lazarus of raised.

This incidence was a real event. The facts were:
  1. Lazarus was sick and died and buried in the tomb for 4 days.
  2. They people came to comfort Martha and Mary.
  3. They followed them to the tomb.
  4. The stone was rolled off.
  5. Jesus prayed loudly for all to hear and then cried out loudly to command Lazarus to come out.
  6. Lazarus came out, jumping with feet and hands bound. The embalm was still on him. They had to untie him.
  7. Many who witnessed this believed in Jesus John 11:45.
  8. There was no discussion about whether this incidence was true or false.  It was a real event that triggered a Council meeting to be called and the decision to killed Jesus made. (John 11:47-53)
Q5 Will Jesus shown up at the Passover in Jerusalem?
There was a discussion about whether Jesus will show up. John 11:56. We know Jesus did.


  1. RE: Jesus wanted to make doubly sure that everyone then knew Lazarus was truly dead so that there would not be any argument about the raising of the death.

    Scripture says no such thing.

    What is surprising is just how much information that is hidden in plain sight in the text of scripture about Lazarus is routinely overlooked by Bible students. has a free Bible study that simply compares scripture with scripture in order to highlight some facts about Lazarus, the "friend" who "Jesus loved", that are often overlooked. It may be worth your time to consider the presentation of biblical evidence that it offers.

  2. >Scripture says no such thing.
    Bible Study is based on Observation of facts, Interpretation of facts and Applications.
    It is best that the Bible plainly state it (such as in John 12 where Judas was pointed as a thief and his proposal of giving to the poor was really his way of getting more money).

    Interpretation is the author's opinions, hopefully based on reasonable ground, and is the author's right to say so giving his reasons. The reader may disagree with the author's view.

    Author should have the right to expressed his views and what he sees as importance for his readers.

    I felt my interpretation of 2 days longer to ensure Lazarus is truly dead was reasonable. When he was raised, he was 4 days in the tomb already.

    What would you give as a reasonable reason when people ask you for the delay of 2 more days? The Bible did not tell us is a correct answer. But giving reasonable answers are sometime needed. Zechariah(Lk 1:18) and Mary(lK 1:34) gave the same question "How can this be so?" to the Angel. One was punished and one was not requires interpretation.

  3. Each of us try to contribute, without mis-interpretation, to the understanding of the Bible.

  4. Jesus loved them - Mary, Martha and Lazarus was pointed out in the answer to Q1.
