
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bible Study John 15:9-17 Community of Father's Love

Let's begin the study with a mind map of the content shown below. Jesus was establishing a community of love centered on God, the Heavenly Father. He gave the objective, and their identity, and tell them the how-to. The community should be known for their love. (John 13:35).
Q1 What is the source or the foundation of this community of love?v9
The source, the uniting identity, the power to love, comes from God, the Father of Jesus. It is His love and His commandments that should run through and unite the community in Jesus Christ - His beloved Son. The Father and Jesus are one. Jesus had repeatedly said this many times. Most people can relate to Jesus though some feel a mother figure like Mary, the mother of Jesus is closer. Most people feel that the Father is too authoritative and high-up to be loving and close. Jesus is telling all that it is not so. God, to be known as a loving Father, is the one who empowers and commands him(Jesus) to love and do all that he does. All that Jesus did was from his Father God. We must clarify our mindset about Father God and enjoy His love and presence.

Q2 How should we respond to the Father's love through Jesus? v10
We are to abide and continue in His love. It is not a vague concept. It is something that we can put into practice and experience the benefits. The simple form is to obey or keep what He tells us, namely, His commandments. His commandments to us come out of His love for us and are sure for our good. Keeping His commandments reveal our trust and hence our love for Him. There is no relationship unless there is trust. There is no trust if we do not believe and keep His commandments.
Q3 What is Jesus' commandment to us?v12, 17
His commandment is that we should love one another as He has loved us.
We are not just to love only but to love as much as Jesus' love for us.
  • That is quite a high standard. Left to us, we probably will only love those that love us or are related to us. But Jesus wants us to love our fellow believers totally, despite their faults and unlovableness. Jesus tells us to love even our enemy! He did it by dying for us even when we were yet sinners.
  • Love includes truth and righteousness. Love without righteousness is indulgence.
  • But don't worry. Jesus gave us the Father's love to enable us to love like Him. He gave us His joy so that our joy might be full. v11.
Q4  What is the greatest degree of love?v13
The greatest degree that we can give to our friends is our very life. This is precisely what Jesus did and setting us an example to follow!

Q5 How should believers live in this community of love?v14-17
  1. We are chosen by Jesus. 
    • That also means that we did not earn it.
    • Jesus just chooses and loves us out of His own free will. 
    • It is up to us to accept it.
  2. We are ordained to go and bear everlasting fruit.
    • This is a repeat of v8 that the Father is glorified. 
    • Note that the fruit we bear, our character and work, is with and in us. We are glorified as our Father is glorified in us.
  3. We are friends of Jesus. He tells us the why, what, and how. v15
    • Jesus emphasized this point by telling us we are not His servants anymore.
    • Jesus will tell you the future and your calling if you bother to seek and ask.
  4. We are given the power for us to accomplish our assigned mission.
    • whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father, He gives to you v16.
  5. We are to love another with His love v12,17 (a reminder again).
This is the mind map that summarized all:

Lim Liat Copyrighted 2011

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