
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bible Study John 16 The Comforter & Overcoming the World

John 16:1-5 should have been classified into John 15 and have been discussed there.

Q1 Where was Jesus going? What would happen to the disciples?
Jesus was once again telling the disciples that he was going away, what would happen, and how they would overcome.
  1. Jesus told them that he was going back to His Heavenly Father who sent him v5. But he seemed to miss the detail that the way to go back was through the cross of crucifixion.
  2. They would be sad. They would be scattered in v32 and left Jesus to be alone.
  3. Even so, they need not worry for him because Heavenly Father would be with him.
  4. He would only leave for a short while and will come back again. v19
  5. Their sorrow will be painful but short. It would be turned into a big joy v22. Jesus used the birth pains as an illustration v21. (Jesus left them to be crucified on the cross. But 3 days later, Jesus was resurrected and appeared to them).
Q2  How can they overcome the challenges to be faced?
  1. In Jesus' absence, the Father will send the Comforter to them to help them 16:5
  2. Jesus also gave them the promise that "ask and you shall receive" see Q4.
  3. Jesus gave them His peace. see Q6.
Q3 Who is the Comforter? What is His work?
The Comforter is the Holy Spirit. We discussed His work in Chapter 14. Here it a consolidated list:
  1. The Holy Spirit is known as the Comforter 14:16.
  2. The Spirit of Truth - Only believers can receive Him. 14:17. 16:13
  3. The Holy Spirit dwells in us 14:17.
  4. The Holy Spirit will be sent by the Father when Jesus is taken away 14:26, 16:7
  5. He shall teach us all things 14:26
  6. He shall remind us of Jesus' teachings 14:26;16:13-14
  7. He will bear witness of Jesus John 15:26
  8. glorify Jesus 16:14
  9. He will reprove the world of ... (John 16:8)
    1. sin (not believing in Jesus) John 16:9,
    2. righteousness (given by Jesus when He went back to the His Father) 16:10
    3. judgment of the prince of world 16:11 and found him guilty and condemned him.
  10. He will show you things to come 16:13 
Q4 What promise did Jesus gave to the disciples in time of need?
Jesus gave them a powerful promise of "ask and receive that your joy may be full" 16:24 when they got into trouble. It is almost an open check - whatsoever ye shall ask 16:23! Here is the pattern of asking:
  1. whatsoever
  2. ask the Father (the Father love you because you believe in Jesus and love Jesus)
  3. in Jesus' name ( this is the only qualification for the whatsoever - it is as if Jesus would have asked)
  4. The Father will give to you. (The Father is the highest power there is)
  5. We are to receive it (by faith - sometimes immediately, sometimes we wait)
  6. So that our joy may be full. (Father God wants us to be joyful and not sad. He wants us to be overcomers and not be in defeat and depressed mode.)
Q5 What was the disciples' answer?
Promises must be acknowledged with our confessions. Our confessions show forth our faith and our acceptance. The disciples said that they understand (v29), that they were sure that Jesus knew all things, and that He was from God. This should be the starting point of our Asking and Receiving. Ask and receive in faith first and joy will come even before the full manifestation of the answer. Heb 11:1  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. When you paid for a purchase of a sofa set, you just happily go home to wait for the delivery of the sofa set.

Q6 What do we have in the world? How should we overcome that?
Jesus plainly told us in v33 that in this world we shall have tribulation (troubles and stress). Believing Jesus does not mean all troubles will be gone. Rather, Jesus said that He has overcome the world and hence we can be in good cheer. We should view troubles as opportunities for growth and joy. Playing basketball or football is very strenuous, and very stressful in competitions, but whoever complains? We their hobby and not persecutions. With Jesus, the troubles in the world should be viewed as a hobby for the world to see how Jesus overcome them through us. For what reasons? See answers in Q2.

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