
Friday, August 12, 2011

Bible Study 1 Timothy 5 Relating to Others

This chapter 5 teaches us about how to relate to others and how to care for those in needs using a widow as an example. There are the questions to lead you into a deeper study of the chapter.

Q1 How do we relate to others by their age and gender?
By gender and age, we get four combinations (1Tim 5:1):
  1. Older Man as Father.
  2. Younger Man as Brother.
  3. Older Woman as Mother.
  4. Younger Woman as Sister.
But there is an interesting extra added by Paul  - "Do not rebuke but encourage him as you would a father". This means that while we are to honor our fathers, our fathers may not be always right. We have the responsibility to encourage and lead our fathers to the right ways in those area where they are wrong. Correction must be done rightly and with respect is what Paul is emphasizing. Honoring does not mean not correcting. This is similar to the teaching of the Ancient Chinese Book of Filial Piety. See Understanding the Bible of Filial Piety (Xiao Jing) in One Minute point 3 of the Key Differences.

Q2 How do we help those that are widows?

Paul listed the criteria first before helping them. They are:
  1. By age: not less than 60 years old (v9). Younger widows are encouraged to get marry again have have family (v14). Idling widows are tempted to be busybodies and gossipers which are no good(v13). See v6 self-indulgent is dead even while she lives!
  2. Good Character: 
    1. wife of one husband
    2. shown good works of bringing up children, hospitality, washing, caring for the afflicted, devoted to good work (v10).
  3. No Relatives to care for them.
    1. The principle taught here is that their own family should take care of their members need. v4,16 tells us that her children or grand-children or relatives to care for her.
    2. The church may care for those without relatives to support them v16.
Q3 What principles can we derive and apply to those with needs?
  1. Verify the reality of the Need.
    Can he/she work and be able to care for himself or herself. Helping someone such that he/she become idle is actually bad for him/her and burden the church. An idle fellow will be a busybody and a gossiper creating trouble.
  2. Can He/She be helped by his/her close family members or relatives?
    The family should help their member first before the church come in to help.
  3. Age and Character.
    Age help one to determine the ability to be self-supportive.
    Character help ensure that the Church is not helping someone to be self-indulgent. The helping should result in a better person physically and spiritually.
  4. If the 'things of the common' not protected then they are usually exploited and destroyed. Consider the garbage left in parks and other recreation areas, especially after an event. Consider the debts of many countries like US and the European countries.
Q4 How should we treat our elders/leaders/pastors?
  1. Give them the honor and respect v17 especially those in preaching and teaching.
  2. Pay them well v18.
  3. Do not charge them unless there are evidence of two or three witnesses v19. This show that our leaders are not without fault. However, any such accusations must be supported with evidences from true witnesses.
Q5 How do we have discipline in Church?
  1. There must be Right Teachings first so that people can know what are the right things to believe and follow (v7). The right expectation and the consequences for violations must be clearly taught.
  2. Fair Judgment. There should be no partiality. Everything should be done properly under the presence of God v21.
  3. For those unrepentant, there must be publicity to warn others as well v20. Some consequences of some sins are open for all to see and some are only found out later v24.
Q6 How should we live?
This is a question of reflection adn application. From what we have learned, can we check whether we and our church are following the teachings above? Following them will help you to have a healthy church.

Lim Liat copyrighted 13 Aug 2011

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