
Friday, January 25, 2013

Spiritual Gifts, Grace & Ministry - Learning from Tim Keller

Building a Community of Ministers and not Consumers. Begin with laying the foundation for Godliness, emphasize on character building, spiritual fruit and grace. Follow with discovery, use and development of gifts, with 3 main groups of Prophet, Priest & King. Discovery of Gifts by Gift-test (not recommended) but by 3-Steps of   1. Affinity: the needs you resonate to.   2. Abilities: the abilities and roles you have.   3. Opportunities: the community of leaders, friends, guidance and endorsement. Danger of serving with our gifts without the grace and using the outcomes of our ministry to earn God's favor or self justification. Tell-tale signs of stress, insecurity, jealousy, condemning, critical, hypocrisy. Godliness is for long term effectiveness and able to compensate for our weaknesses. Serving and our Calling in the unique matching gifts-group, venues, level of abilities, seasons of life. 

The Friday Study Group members have decided take a break from the usual way of studying Bible Book by Book and do a topical study from good sermons. We start with one of the great preachers of present time,  Tim Keller. Time Keller's sermons and articles are available widely in the internet and many free sermons are available in his Redeemer's website.  We start with this one Spiritual Gifts and Graces.

The key points are summarized in the abstract. The details are shown in the mind-maps below.
Please be aware that the maps show our learning from hearing the sermons with our own added comments and views. It is recommended that you listen to the original sermon first and may be compare notes with us.

The warning given to us that we should serve with our gifts driven by grace. Always start and end with grace with gifts being tools to do a better job. We serve out of our acceptance and the grace of Christ in us to meet the needs and build up the community of Christ.

Hope it is helpful for you to find your ministry in the community where you are serving. Please share with us your personal experience too.

A Quick Summary (5 Mar 16)

Finding your gifts and ministry:

1. 3 Types of Gift Groups: Prophets, Kings and Priests
  • Prophets - vision, intelligence, strategies, big picture.
  • Kings - management, organization, execution.
  • Priests - charity, care, counselling, ... the heart and people oriented. Above two groups cover the mind and are tasks oriented.
2. Finding your Ministry: Affinity, Ability and Opportunity

3. Above all, your character is a lot more important that your gifts.
Godly character can compensate for your lack your gifts.
Gifts without character becomes a dangerous instruments for sins.

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