
Thursday, February 8, 2024

Jesus Remotely Heals a Centurion's Servant - Luke 7:1-10

How can we have a high level of faith? The centurion shew us.

We must understand how authority works and by faith give the command according to our faith.

However, a gracious God does not demand we have such high faith in order to work. God will meet us according to our level of faith --- even the lowest level appeal of "help my unbelief"!


    Be humble and don't pull rank. The centurion, despite his position and his contributions, yet treat the Jewish elders and especially Jesus with great respect. He went through a long way to ask Jesus for help.

    Yet, know your authority and exercise it rightly even though you are not to abuse them.

    He knew Jesus' authority and power and got a most miraculous healing - remote healing without contact.

    How real and faithful is our belief?

        Nevertheless, God will answer us according to our faith.

    Levels of Faith

        1. If You can ... help my unbelief   如果你能... 帮助我的不信

            Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. 24 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.

        2. If You will You can 如果你能够

            "And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, 'I will; be clean.'" - Matthew 8:3

        3. If You know,  You will 只要你知道 你必会

            Mark 10:46–52 The blind man said to him, “Rabbi, let me recover my sight.”

        4. If You Touch Me 只要你触摸我

            5:23 Come and lay Your hands on her,  that she may be healed, 

        5. If I may touch Him 只要我触摸他

            Mark 5:28 For she said,  "If only I may touch His clothes,  I shall be made well."

        6. Just say the Word 只要你说一句话

            Luk 7:7 But only speak a word,  and my servant will be healed

        7. Jesus know,  just ask Me... 耶稣知道, 只要求

            Mt 7:7 ASK and it shall be GIVEN you; seek,  and ye shall find; knock,  and it shall be opened unto you: John 11:42  And I know that You(Father) always hear Me

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