
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The Narrow Door Luke 13:24-30 --- Accept Jesus Now

The answer we are seeking is usually not that obvious and easy, otherwise, we would have known it. It takes an open mind and diligence to find it. Letting go of our pre-perceived opinions and pride is a good starting point. Many are trying to find the meaning and purpose of life, but there is a narrow door to salvation and meaning. Will you consider Jesus' offer?


  • 1 Exclusivity of Salvation:
    • There is only one way whereby man can be saved - the narrow door.
    • Acts 4:12 NIV Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”
  • 2 Urgency of Salvation
    • The door will be shut when the Master arise --- when Christ come again.
  • 3 Humility Needed for Salvation
    • Men want to be saved on his terms but there is only one way of humility, repentance, and acceptance of only God can save us.
  • 4 The Reality of Judgment:
    • There are Heaven and Hell where men will be judged and sent to. We need to decide wisely and while there is time now.
  • 5 Salvation is for All men
    • Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek"
  • 6 Salvation is Relationship to Jesus
    • It not head knowledge but heart of believe and acceptance of Jesus' offer. Salvation is not merely intellectual assent but a personal relationship with Jesus.
  • 7 Reversal of expectations:
    • "Last who will be first" is a recurring message in the Gospels. This verse highlights that God's judgment may not align with human expectations. You could explore themes of humility and trusting in God's ultimate fairness.

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