
Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Rich Ruler Luke 18:18-27 ---- Wealth vs Eternal Life

Our ongoing struggle in life revolves around greed. We crave the finest things yet hesitate to part with what is merely good. We acknowledge that the eternal holds the ultimate goodness, but it lies in the distant future. Meanwhile, we are deeply entrenched in the familiarity and pleasure of our current good life and wealth. How then do we muster the courage to exchange the known goodness of the present for the potential greatness of the future? This transition is achieved through deliberate reflection and the cultivation of faith.

Consider the affluent young ruler who, despite basking in power and wealth, senses a void within. He recognizes that life should encompass more than present indulgences and seeks to prepare for eternity. Yet, he grapples with the fear of relinquishing his present control for an uncertain future should he choose to follow Jesus.

In facing such a dilemma, what course of action would you choose?


  1. Know the most important question in life --- Is there life after death? Where do I go after life?
  2. God is the one who knows the answer. God is incarnated as Jesus Christ.
  3. Point people to Jesus who knows the answer.
  4. We tend to be concerned with eternal behavior rather than a true inward attitude.
  5. We must place God above wealth. ie. to use wealth to serve God. Leave all to follow God.
  6. As we trust God and leave, God will repay us back in this life, many times more, and eternal life. This is how we should live this life.
  7. The story challenges us to examine our priorities and consider what truly matters in light of eternity.

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