
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Seek Things Above: Col 3:1-4 ---- A Transformed New life

Most of us are concentrated on living a good and even exemplifying life on earth as a witness to Christ. It is good. But if we just focus on using our own energy and will to do them, we may find it tiring and will be exhausted. We will end in exhaustion, frustration, depression, and complaints.  How could we do them with joy? A new mindset focusing on our new identity, Christ-in-us empowerment, focus on things-above, and a future hope of glory with Christ. Here are the details:


  • #1 New Life & Identity in Christ
    • raised with Christ v1
      • implies Death to the Old Self
    • life is hidden with Christ v3
    • in God v3
    • Christ is our Life v4
      • Christ is not just a part of our lives; He is our life. Our identity, purpose, and existence are now centered in Him
  • #2 Hope of Glory
    • When Christ appears, we will appear with Him, in Glory
    • This implies there is a time when we will be taken up to with Him and come with Him
  • #3 Seek the Things of Heaven & Eternality - Not earthly and short-term
    • prioritizing spiritual growth.
    • focusing on what truly matters
      • Earthly things are temporary and fleeting, but heavenly things are eternal. Believers should focus on what has eternal value.
    • consciously focusing on God and His purposes, so be more aligned with His will.
  • The transformed life means in subsequent paragraphs as
    • Get rid of the bad v5-11
    • Live out the good v12-17
    • Exemplifying Behavior in Various Roles v18-25
  • A transformed life, one set on heavenly things and living out the reality of our new identity in Christ.


  • Heavenly Father,
    • Thank you for the gift of new life in Christ. Help me to set my mind on things above, focusing on what truly matters. Guide me to let go of my old ways and embrace the person you want me to be. May I live each day with the hope of your glorious return. Amen.

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