
Sunday, June 9, 2024

Salutation Col 1:1-2 --- Our Identity In Christ

What is our identity in Christ? Do we know our calling? We are sent by God to accomplish His purpose on earth. What should be our response? We are to be faithful. Do we know we are saints - freed from sins and have the righteousness of Christ?  Do we also know we are empowered to live out our calling? God has given us grace and peace. We are all well equipped and are sufficient in Christ.


  • #1 Know our calling from God
    • like Paul who knew he was commissioned by God

    • How can we know?
      • by prayer and by matching of
        • 3 Steps
          • Affinity
            • (What human needs do I “vibrate” to?
            • What interests me?
            • What are my passions?);
          • Ability
            • (What am I good at?
            • What do people say I am effective in?)
          • Opportunity
            • (What doors for service are open?
            • What needs to be done?).

  • #2 Training of our Successor
    • Paul took his successor Timothy along in his ministry so that Timothy could learn firsthand.
  • #3 An Attitude of "Saints"
    • Believers should be constantly aware that they are saints in Christ. They have the righteousness of Christ and no longer a sinner. Confessing oneself to be a sinner is forgetting the work of Christ for him.
  • #4 The Attributes of a Believer are faithfulness & loving others(v5)
  • #5 The empowerment by God is grace & peace
    • Grace is The unmerited favor and empowerment from God that enables believers to live a righteous and victorious life. We must ask for it, unlike mercy which is forgiveness and kindness given to all whether we ask for it or not.
    • Peace is the inner tranquility and well-being that comes from God, enabling believers to maintain faith in difficult times.


  • May all believers deepen their understanding of their calling, invest in mentoring future leaders, embrace their identity in Christ, exhibit faithfulness and love, and rely on God’s grace and peace for empowerment. May we all live a fruitful and impactful Christian life.

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