
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Office Politics - How do we respond?

A member ask the following:-

Hi all,

Just recently, a brother-in-Christ was sharing with me about his work environment, about the obstacles he has to face and asking me to keep him in prayers.

For the past few years, I seldom come across either from the pulpit or from discussions about how to deal with office politics. I'm sure most of us here are working and just want to hear from you how do you deal with situations, such as having colleagues that can't wait to see you fail, once you did something wrong, they start spreading the word around and try to make sure your boss knows about it, pointing fingers at you when something goes wrong, or being nice in front of you and stab you in your back... colleagues or bosses who "wayang", did little but claim credit from your work... boss who piles work on you unreasonably...

Just wondering how do you guys handle this?

I've come across Christians who also tried politicking or at times respond in a less than "ideal" manner or seemingly un-Christlike... well, we are not "perfect" in that sense, it shouldn't come as a surprise if we have reacted in such a manner... and since we're in a care group, we are here to love and uphold one another, so there are no condemnation here if anyone responds like that. So feel free to share your personal experience.



  1. Anonymous13/4/08 22:08

    Member L said:

    Thank u for bringing this up.
    Office politics is very real.
    We should not sweep this issue under the carpet .
    It is worst when happen in church office.
    Christian (takes a pay cut who love God n want to come n serve.
    When they are being hurt by politics,they will leave the office n also the church.
    Especially in big organisation with many diiferent "indian chief".

    Politics happened long time ago.
    Divisions in the Church
    1 Corinthians 1- 10I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought. 11My brothers, some from Chloe's household have informed me that there are quarrels among you. 12What I mean is this: One of you says, "I follow Paul"; another, "I follow Apollos"; another, "I follow Cephas[a]"; still another, "I follow Christ."

    How to maneuver in the jungle of politics?

    • Learn the system and work around it
    • Cultivate relationships with the right people
    • Understand individual agendas
    • Act in a principled way
    • Develop a network of information sources
    • Avoid making enemies
    • Build support for constructive ideas
    • Build a personal reputation
    • Treat everyone fairly
    • Influence rather than using direct authority
    • Learn how to steer meetings
    • Negotiate in tough situations
    • Manage conflict

    How to end politics?
    When we go heaven.

    For me ,i work from home,so no politics.

  2. The answer is quite simple - they all work for living and for promotion.
    If you work for a promotion, you will be affected by the politics around.
    We are to work for Christ and leave Christ to reward us in whatever way he deems fit.
    It is not for us to work for our living. It is God, the Father responsibility. See my posting below,

    I've been trying to understand the redeemed God's Kingdom Economy and work life in the past years. In the past few weeks, I've done more intensive study. Please see the posting on my blog on Satisfying & God Glorifying Work. More will be coming.

  3. Anonymous13/4/08 22:19

    Just a few things to add.

    We cant change other people for wanting to play politics but we can change our attitude towards it.

    When others point out our mistakes or problems for us to consider, be it good intention or bad intention,
    react positively, just thank the person for pointing them out. If necessary, apologize to those who are affected by your mistakes or the problem created. Take it that they are helping us to improve. It is like working under demanding boss and react to auditors who point out our weaknesses in our system. They are helping us to be more perfect.

    If what they said about you is not truth, then explain it. It gives you an opportunity to enhance our
    presentation to others, and learn how to convince people.

    If our working environment is political, we can help to start a 'healthier' culture by helping, caring, sharing, discussing, teaching, encouraging acknowledging others and etc, dont wait for others to do it, start from ourself. It is not so easy for a
    start but if we continue practicing it, it'll attract more people to do the same and without you knowing,
    the whole environment changed . Don't forget we have God's grace to do all these, if we don't start it, who else can? From my experience, it is difficult at the beginning (cry out to God if you need) but you will be so joyful when you see results coming in. And you know what, you will be rewarded too because people recognize good work and good attitude.

  4. Anonymous13/4/08 22:23

    Yes it is very real indeed for me.
    Over the past few months, I learnt several things the hard way.
    I also understand why in proverbs there are so much about controlling our tongue. It is indeed the tongues that fans and fuels politics, eg. by speculating what bosses really mean, spreading rumours, building on the unhappiness of small little things etc. It is very toxic actually.
    Sad thing is that those who do it are really very brilliant people who can excel very well in their work.

    I had asked for prayer in our house group some weeks back. Since then, by God's grace, I have been able to hold my tongue and not join in whatever "bitching". I tell myself, "it stops here" with me and ask God for the grace to stand my ground. I will not propagate whatever negativities that come my way. It is not easy and I am still struggling. I also understand now why God says to focus on things that are praiseworthy. His Word is really for our good.

  5. Anonymous13/4/08 22:26

    I had to learn fast about holding my tongue and praying for the authority during the crisis in 1998.
    Apart from Gen 8:22 about sowing and reaping and Proverbs 18:21 on the tongue,
    Romans 13:1 became a revelation to me then.....
    Nowadays I treat office politics the same way…it sure takes away plenty of stress, anger, bitterness etc.

  6. Anonymous13/4/08 22:29

    Thanks everyone for the candidness.
    Since I started the discussion, here's my contribution.
    There are times we are able to distance ourselves from the situation, thus able to rationalise and we move on. It is during the other times when emotions are stirred up, it becomes a challenge and usually, we cannot see it as an opportunity to stretch ourselves and grow. Personally, I think it is always easier to encourage others who are going through difficulties than to encourage ourselves when we are going through similar times.
    I do not have a fix method of overcoming this when I am going through such incidences. But since we are not yet perfect, to be frank, there are times I will speak in tongues out of frustration (silently of course) even when in my heart, I just want to cuss out (because buay gum wan *Hokkien* - discontent). So though in my mind I am hurling offensive words, my spirit is in tongues perhaps blessing the situation and other people involved... heh! Thank God it can be done *like this also can*.
    While there are times, in the office, I can't possibly read the bible and pick up the I will listen to some Hillsongs in my mp3, thank Jesus for both Hillsongs writers (who has gone through challenges) and mp3 players! It is very comforting to feel God's presence during such times through worship songs and it is easy to thank God even for tough times when one is ministered to. I highly recommend.
    As for my friend who requested for prayer (in my earlier email)... I recognised the fact that when he approached me, there was already an emotional need. So instead of rationalising the situation with him, which I'm sure he is capable of by himself and with God on his own, I gave him Psalms 56 (which I came across quite by *ahem* "accident"... shan't go into details).
    Sidetrack: Years ago, I could not fully understand how a Godly person like David can be so emotional and violent in his psalms, silly me. Now, I start to appreciate and identify with Psalms.
    Anyhow, my friend was encouraged by that chapter... I have not heard from him since, so I gather that he has moved on. Thank God for friends... who can encourage as well as be encouraged.
    Cheers everyone... continue to be victorious!!

  7. Anonymous13/4/08 22:30

    Dear friends threading this topic,
    thanks for sharing your point of views. Appreciate it because I am in the middle of dealing with one of it and needed some referencing on this matter.

  8. Anonymous13/4/08 22:31

    Hi All,
    My 1 cent worth.
    As long as there are 2 persons? there's already politics.
    Be it in Office or in a family or even in a church Setting! It's real.
    But agree wholeheartedly with the saying "nothing good to say? just shut up"
    ....haaa....I am for that brother!

  9. Anonymous13/4/08 22:32

    Thanks for teaching “nothing good to say, keep your mouth close”
    One of my buddhist friend said his monk/teacher taught them that if they are helping or counselling someone who is down n depressed n don’t know what to say or nothing good to say, don’t need to say anything BUT just give the person a hug and it does wonder. The buddhist are doing & teaching most of the things that we CHRISTIANS are doing
