
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Galatians 3 Faith in Christ Alone - Not works of Law

Back to the Beginning 3:1-5
When we have lost our ways or are confused, we should go back to beginning or the starting point. We need to recall our original mission and purpose. In the business of daily activities, a life without constant reflection, we will be slowly led away from our original mission. Here Paul reminded the Galatians to reflect on their initial experience. How have they receive the Spirit and the Miracles? It was simply by faith and not of work to earn them. As typical error of Christians is to trying to live the life of sanctification by our own effort and then complaining that it is too difficult. It is pointed out in Gal 3:3. Grace is for our salvation and our sanctification. If we could have sanctification by our own effort, i.e. righteousness by work of the laws, we would not have needed Jesus Christ.

Example of Abraham-Man of Faith
Abraham is used as the example, since they all claimed to be children of Abraham, of righteousness through faith alone. All by faith, not of works, are true spiritual children of Abraham and receive his blessings.

The Just Shall Live by Faith in Christ 3:10-14
The key verse is Gal 3:10 "The righteous shall live by faith" in Jesus Christ who redeemed us from the curse of the law 3:13.

Promise before Law 3:15-21
The promise of faith that came before the Law is not nullified by the Law.  The Offspring that will bring the blessing is Jesus Christ. What is the promise? It is the promised Spirit v14, leading to new life v21 and righteousness v21.

Purpose of Law - As Guardian
The Law is given as guardian and has an expiry period - it expired when Christ came. With our new birth by the Spirit in Christ, we don't follow the law but follow the Spirit that is within us. 

Faith Come Already - All Under Christ 3:26-29
We are always tempted, as believers, to add additional touches to the master painting completed by Christ, to make it more beautiful. Such additional touches by us do not add beauty, for it is already perfected by Christ, but create distortion and ugliness. It amazed me that believers go through great length to argue about the right bread and wine for the Holy Communion. We try to get physical to show off. But God want us to be of the heart. Do we need to follow the law anymore? No and Yes. No because Christ has fulfilled the requirements of the Law for us and make us righteous. Yes, in the spirit of the Law, because that is perfectly naturally for our rebirth spirit. Our rebirth spirit is a righteous spirit and will lead us to things naturally that surpass the requirements of the Law. The Law becomes a minimum checklist for us. The love of Christ that is in us will exceeds the requirement of the laws. To love or simply to forgive is not even stated in the Law. But if we bear bitterness in our heart, then we know we have not allow the love of Christ to fill us completely yet. Seek Christ for the power to forgive.

Questions for Reflections
  1. When we have lost our ways, what is a good advice to follow?
  2. Which comes first, promise or law?
  3. What is the promise? 
  4. What is the purpose of the Law? Do we still need to follow the Law?
    Will following Jewish practices make you a better Christian?  DIscuss. 
Next Galatians 4 Sons vs Slaves

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