
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Galatians 6 New Creation Living

This chapter can be divided into the following:
  1.   Care for One Another 6:1-6
  2.   Sowing & Reaping - Do Good Always 6:7-10
  3.   Boast in the Cross not Circumcision - Dead to World & New Life in Christ 6:11-15
  4.   Farewell 6:15-18
Care for One Another 6:1-6
We have responsibilities to care for our brothers and be ready to help them in gentleness when they are trapped in sins.

But first, we ourselves, must be spiritual. We must be able to bear our own loads first before we can help carry others loads. Our estimation of ourselves should be based on evidences not self-evaluation, be compared with our own calling, measuring against the goals God set for us, making progress, and not comparing against our neighbors.  When we compare with those neighbor weaker, we will feel proud. When we compare against those better than us, we may be depressed or give up.

Confucius has a teaching on this ...《论语 雍也-29》己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人 - We must be able to stand on our own in order to help others to stand. We must reach our goals so that we can help others reach theirs. Love requires us to be others-centric and not just self-centric.

Paul added another responsibility, which is to support our teachers. Believers frequently ask me who should they give their tithes to? The answer is provided here - give to where you received your teaching and development, usually, it will be your local church.

Sowing & Reaping - Do Good Always 6:7-10
Sometimes I received sharing that they were cheated by certain ones and the ones seem to prosper even more. They have doubts about the working of God - the evil ones seem to get away. Here in Gal 6:7, Paul stresses that God is not mocked and we be not deceived. We will get what we sow. The law of sowing and reaping works for good and evil. Our sins will find or expose us. It is a matter of time. Our good work will bring great rewards. So, continue to do good to everyone, starting from those near us, and not to give up even if the going is tough. Because, it due season, we shall reap the harvests of our good work.

Boast in the Cross not Circumcision - Dead to World & New Life in Christ 6:11-15
Boasting can only be seen in the outward bodily signs. Internal strength is not so obvious. Instead of building up our internal strength, we tend to go for the faster and more obvious signs of doing something with our body so that we can show off. But God is not deceived. Circumcision is of the heart and not of the body. Our boasting is not about accomplishments but about our dead and the life in Christ. In Philippians, Paul said he counted all his past accomplishments as garbage in order to gain Christ.

The key of the Gospel message is repeated here, it not about following a set of rules or work, it is about new life in Christ received by faith. Focusing on the New Life, living in relationship to Christ, will surpass the requirements of the laws.

Farewell 6:15-18
Ephesian tells us salvation is by faith in Christ (Eph 2:8-10). Galatians added faith in Christ only is sufficient. There is nothing else to add. All additions are distortions of the Gospel. Yet, how often we find them in churches.  New life will and must produce the new fruit of the Spirit which Paul had much to show. What about us?

  1. What are our responsibilities towards others? How to do them?
  2. What is the Law of Sowing and Reaping? What should we do then?
  3. What is the summary verse for Galatian? What does it mean?


  1. Anonymous6/3/10 00:53

    Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

  2. Anonymous7/3/10 05:09

    nice post. thanks.
