
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bible Study James Chapter 3 Discussion

The main point of the discussions are summarized below:
  1. Self-Control is best measured by whether we can control our tongue.

    • The poetic words are mapped to meaning words as (you may have different opinions)

      • unrighteousness, staining whole body - as evil speeches reflecting bad character
      • restless evil: frequently and uncontrolled evil talks
      • poison: gossips, slanders, personal attacks against others.
      • setting on fire the entire course of life from hell: causing hell's suffering & fighting & hurts to be on earth through such evil words & practices see 3:16
    • How then should we speak? Col 4:6 gracious, seasoned with salt: encouraging, healing of hurts & relationships, peaceable words.

  2. Godly and Worldly Wisdom are contrasted
    •  Godly Wisdom - pure, peaceable, gentle, reasoning, mercy, good fruits, impartial and sincere. 3:17we can compare to Paul's fruit of the Spirit in Gal 5:22-23, Paul's Good Things in Phil 4:8
    • Outcomes:
      • Godly: peace  -> a harvest of righteousness v17
      • Worldly: bitter jealousy & Selfish Ambition/Strife -> disorder -> every evil practice v16
      • Much time is spent on the Word G2052 translated as Selfish Ambition (in newer Bible translations) and Strife/Fraction (in KJV)
      •  The meaning of the Greek G2052 from Vines if Fraction but with meaning of :ambition, self-seeking, rivalry,” self-will being an underlying idea in the word; of “seeking to win followers,”. Thayer and Strong also give similar meaning.
  3. Self-Interest vs Selfish Ambition:

    • Self Interest: taking care of growth and benefits for self without harming others. We are uniquely created and loved by God. Self-demotion and condemnable is not biblical. We are called to love others as oneself (after loving God first). Seeking promotion, better pay jobs, learning and building oneself up are OK.
    • Selfish Ambition- benefits for self without consideration of others; usually at the expense of harming others.
  4. Christ-Centred Self vs Self-Centred Selfishness

    • A true Christian should be Christ Centred rather than Self-Centred.
    • Nevertheless, it is a natural growth process that we start with self-interest first; we want God to save us and bless us. See will learn about his when we study 1 John. Child-> Young Man -> Father. As child, Me first. As young man, we fight for God (best to knowing it is God's strength and authority given us), and as Father, we sacrifice and give to others that they may know and come to God. We have the heart of God!
    • It is a journey of faith - do we trust Christ to take care of us or do we fight for ourselves? Those who truly experience the love of God will trust God more rather than self.

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