
Friday, August 20, 2010

Bible Study James Chapter 4 Discussion

Original Study is Bible Study - James 4 Conduct 

Key Points discussed:
1. Watch out for Bad Conducts of
  1. Selfish Passions resulting in fight, quarrels, murder, envy (we discussed in Chapter 3)
  2. Friendship with the World:
    • Much time spent on what it means. It does not mean not to befriend the people of the world. It is about worldly values. But 'Worldly Values' should not be defined by us but must be defined according to the Bible.
    • A Brother did some digging and shared with us the Biblical definition of Worldliness. This is very important as we find that there are the Chinese, and other non-Christians, having values that agree with Biblical values fully like "honoring parents". Hence, when we read about values of the world, we should not jump to the conclusion that they are against the Bible. Some are, like greed, lusts, trusting and seeking wealth, power, selfishness, taking short-cut etc. But some are not like honoring parent, helping others, etc.
    • We must use the Bible as the yardstick to judge the teaching and values of the world. Not all the world teachings are against bible as man is created in the Image/Character of God. We must use the Biblical definition to judge.
  3. Speaking Evil of Others and Condemning (original word is Judging. But in the context, the judgment has been made. There as a transgression and hence the evil is spoken of. So I feel condemning or prejudging could be better words).
    • We must not misunderstand 'judging' here. We are not called not to judge but not to prejudge and condemn (speak evil of).  In James 5:19, Gal 6:1 1 John 5:16.... we are to warn and correct brothers that are committing transgression. Without judging, how can we know? The yardstick should be of the Bible. The evidences should be of 2-3 witnesses. Sometimes, Elders are to be involved. Corrections must be done in private first, with 2 or 3 others if necessary and 'exposure and disassociation' if not heeded to. Such processes are discussed well in the Bible.
  4. Sin of Omission - knowing what is right and failing to do it.
2. Repent & Change by Asking & Drawing Near to God
The ways to overcome our bad conduct is not just to say sorry and try harder next time! James teaches us to do two things. See Heb 4:15-16
  1. Be humble and ASK God for Grace - the power to overcome.
  2. Draw Near to God 1st and with Power given, we are to obediently, submit to God, then
    • resist the devil; 
    • clean our hands
    • purify our hearts - single-mindedness - not God + World of double mindedness.
    • be truly mournful of our sin
  3. The Outcomes:
    • God will draw near to us, give us the grace, exalt us and the devil fled.
3. The Better Way - Living with the Knowledge of God's Will
The better way to lead a victorious life is not to focus on sin but to focus on God. Find out what the Will of God for us is James 4:15.

It does not mean we should not plan, but we involve God in all our planning and execution. Some of us dived God into parts. We do things on our own first and then only involve God when we are in trouble. We make our own plans and then ask God to endorse our plans. That is not what the following verses say: 
    (Prov 3:5) Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.
    (Prov 3:6) Acknowledge him in all your ways, and he will make your paths straight.
    (Prov 16:3) Commit your works to the LORD, and your plans will be established.

The right steps are:
  1. seek the Lord 1st - involve God in your plans. Your plans must follow God's will.
  2. need to plan even more - details and contingency (I know most our plans are at too crude a level and seldom take care of the details, resulting in unforeseen events, and hence put in contingencies. When God leads, I am not sure if you need contingencies. It is not contingencies but lack of details. The Japanese spend more time in planning to take care of all the details and result in smooth and fast execution.)
  3. do not assume only one scenario for your plan.
Dwight David Eisenhower In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.

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