
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bible Study on John 1:35-51 Disciples Found Jesus

This was the starting stage of the Ministry of Jesus. The key of any growth is simple - people recommending and bringing other people to come. In the past, it is physical contacting. At this present age, it is much easier through internet. The media may change, the basic ingredients don't. Let ask ourselves though questions and discover the truth.

Q1  Describe the Growth Process.
  1. Baptizer John tell Andrew + another disciple. 1:36
  2. Andrew tell Peter his brother 1:42 after he was convinced by spending a day with Jesus (1:39)
    (We don't know what the other disciple did with the knowledge of Jesus as the Lamp of God. May be he just stayed with Baptizer John without understanding of the true implication. He surely missed knowing Jesus the true God. Are we like Andrew who grasped the truth well and take action on it or just like the disciple who missed it?)
  3. Jesus found Philip 1:43. Jesus made a special trip to the town of Andrew & Peter to locate Philip and gave him a specific offer - follow me!
  4. Philip brought Nathanael after his encounter with Jesus (1:45 We found Messiah)
  5. Jesus convinced Nathanael that He was the ONE. 1:50
  6. We can conclude that the growth takes place by one person bringing another personally plus one more thing which we will discuss in the next question.
Q2 How do we spread the Gospel ?
  1. Introduce and bring others as per Andrew and Nathanael. Go to find them as Jesus did with Philip 1:43 and Philip with Nathanael 1:45.
  2. Your life testimony and an encounter with Jesus. (1:39 Come & See). A personal experience of extra-ordinary. 1:50 Jesus said he saw Nat under a fig tree - a fact He could not have known ordinarily. 
  3. So beside the invitation, we need a solid encounter that is personal and meaningful about and with Jesus. This could come from
    1. Your own personal encounter with Jesus.
    2. What Jesus said about Himself. The Gospel Message of Truth & its relevance to the person concerned. 
      1. There is no fixed rules. Some are convinced by evidence based reasoning (like me)
      2. Most are convinced by needs. A miracle healing. A deliverance from fatal accidents. A love experienced during time of needs.
  4. This leads naturally to the question "what do we have to offer from Jesus to people that they will see the truth?
Q3 What is the next action that I want to take this week?
Some suggested possibilities:
  1. introduce Jesus to a friend after prayer
  2. send a message of encouragement to a person that I lost touch with.
  3. start communicating with a person that you don't like.
  4. write down my testimony and the gospel message.

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