
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bible Study John 8:31-59 Attempt to Stone Jesus

Telling the truth and exposing a cover-up could get you into big trouble as Jesus did. In the normal case, truth has to be first packaged in love. The order is grace and then truth. (See Ephesians Chapter 4 & 5 Walk in the New Life Part 2 ...Exposing and Correcting need to be done in love and with care. We must be able to gain the trust first else any correction will be seen as an attack and will not result in true repentance and change.) In this instant, Jesus exposed the truth of the true power behind all the attacks against him --- it is the devil. Jesus could not deny the truth in face of attacks and danger to His life.

Q1 On what grounds that Jesus claimed that the Pharisees' father is the devil?
  1. We do what we have heard from our father (8:38b). 
  2. Jesus acknowledged that physically the Pharisees were offspring of Abraham (8:37) but in terms of behavior, they acted according to the wishes of the devil (8:44,47b). The devil was a murderer and they wanted to kill Jesus too (8:59)
  3. If they were true children of Abraham, they would follow what Abraham did, and it would be to receive Jesus, the Son of the Father God. (8:39-43,47)
  4. Jesus' claim of His identity was not without support and evidence. He challenged them in 8:46 " Which one of you convicts me of sin?" vs they knew they had sinned. (see 8:7).
Q2 What the Devil is like? (8:44)
  1. He was a murderer from the beginning, 
  2. He is a liar and the father of lies. There is no truth in him.
Q3 How can we tell Jesus has not demon in him? (8:48)
  1. "I honor my Father (God)" 8:49
  2. "I do not seek my own glory". The Father, the Judge seeks it(Jesus' glory). 8:50
  3. "If anyone keep my word, he will never see death" 8:51-52. This is repeated twice. Who can give life and conquer death except the One that is God the life-giver. Jesus in this discourse had repeatedly said that He is the Son of God. His insistence on telling the very truth resulted in his rejection and eventual death on the cross by the small grow of religious leaders.
  4. If I were to say I do not know the Father(God), I would be a liar like you" 8:55
  5. "Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day. He saw it and was glad" 8:56
  6.  “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”  8:58 . This is actually saying explicitly that he is God. Hence, the people, those who did not believed in him, were angry and picked up stones to throw at him.

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