
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bible Study John 13:18-38 Foreknowledge of Betrayals

If there is something bad that is going to happen in the near future, such as having a terminal illness, would you want to know about it earlier? Some may want to know earlier to prepare for it. Some would rather not know about it so that he can enjoy the present time and not to worry about it. What about Jesus?

Q1 Did Jesus know about the betrayals? What was the purpose?
Yes, Jesus knew.
  • v18 I am not speaking of all of you (as clean)... He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me....
  • v21 ... one of you will betray me ....
  • v26 ... Jesus even indicated the person ... Judas... 
  • v38 ... about Peter ... before the rooster crow he would denied Him 3 times.
The foreknowledge about Judas' betrayal was to show forth His identity as the Messiah. Jesus was trying, in all possible ways to prepare the disciples for his cruel death on the cross & departure from them, when they would be at a big lost of direction, filled with fear and depression. They will be like sheep without a shepherd. Hopefully, this could be an incidence that they recalled. All the happenings was to fulfill the scriptures and that Jesus was indeed the Messiah.

Q2 Did the disciples believe about the betrayals? Why or Why not?
The disciples could not believe that there would be a betrayer among them. The did not understand what Jesus was telling them. They formed their own mind v29.

Q3 Without Jesus leading them, how could people tell they are Jesus' disciples?
Jesus told them that He would be leaving them very soon to a place(back to His Father' s throne) where they could not come (they have mission on earth to accomplish). The way they could be identified by others and one another is by one key behavior pattern -"Love one another". Their loving one another will identify them as Jesus' disciples, or in modern term, Christians, by the public.

The Ultimate Love
Jesus practiced what he preached by loving the all including the one who would betrayed Him. He was facing death and his disciples were hard of understanding and would be running away from him instead of giving him support. In spite of all these, he was preparing them for time when he would not be there to lead and protect them. Giving up His life for people who betrayed him is ultimate love.

Q4 Must we be Jesus' 1st generation disciples to be saved?
Some people are concern about 2nd or 3rd or nth generation news. Knowing Jesus through His 100th generation disciple, does it still work? Jesus assured us, in 13:20 "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever receives the one I send receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.”  Jesus himself is the sent one from God. We are the sent ones from Jesus to bring them to Jesus and to God the Father.

Q5 How did Jesus describe His forth coming death on the Cross? Explain.
Jesus called it "Glorification"! He is glorified and God is glorified in him v 31-32.
The Cross is the realization of the death of power of sins and Satan on man. In the physical order, it appeared to be a shameful death. Yes it was. It was for the sins of mankind. Spiritually, it was a victory. The penalty was paid. Man could be declared free. The bondage is broken and men are set free. The subsequent resurrection show forth the power of God in the elimination of death - the last enemy of men.
Please also note that God's glory is revealed through us. God is glorified when we are glorified! The is the love of the Father - he share his glory with his children. He want His children to be shining lights for Him. It is God's very purpose that you do well in life.

Q6 Compare the betrayals of Judas and Peter. What can we learn from them?
We will come back to this in future Bible Study. We make a note hear to think about the betrayals of Judas and Peter.

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