
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bible Study 2Peter 2 Discussion

Our discussion is on Bible Study 2Peter 2 False Teachers.

The key points are:
  1. The False Teachers among us. We need to be alert, though not suspecting everyone around us, to the possible presence of such people among us.
  2. They can be recognized by their doctrine which can be summarized in a few words.

    To put it nicely and deceptively, it is called live according to your naturally self.

    But it is actually living like the animals - following your lusts. It may look like freedom but actually it is bondage to sins.

    The appetites are greed for more, living wildly, rebelliously, no sense of right or wrong, and with no respect to authority and even God.
  3. They will be judged and punished for their sins as God had demonstrated His judgments in the past.
  4. What we are born with does not make it right. God, the creator, defines what is right and wrong and will execute judgment.

    Hence, Christ has to die for our sins and to rebirth us with a new Godly live in us. With Christ in us we can then live freely in righteousness as we follow the desires of our new life in Christ. Without rebirth, following our sinful self freely will lead us to sins and bondage like the false teachers.
  5. If we are truly saved, we will not live in sins comfortably. Our cleansed conscience will stirred us to repent. The grace of God is for us to live a righteous life freed from sins.

    The grace of God is not a license for us to sin as Paul pointed out in Rom 6:12Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. 13Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.

Only an unchanged pig after cleaning will go back to wallow in the mud. Wallowing the mud shows that its character has not been changed. A transformed pig, not longer a pig, will not go back to mud for he will see it as unclean. So, if you find yourself stuck in your old sins, you may need to question your understanding about the salvation by Christ.

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