
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bible Study 1 Timothy 4 End Times Deception and Godliness

Watch out for the deceptive doctrines of abstinence at end times and how to pursue godliness that is of greater value in every way.

Q1 What will be happening in Later Times? Give some details.

1Tim 4:1-3 tells us that in the later times, SOME will depart from the faith because they were deceived by demons.

Departing from the faith means also that they were once of the faith. But because they indulge themselves in myths (1:4, 4:7) and endless genealogies (1:4) and misuse of the laws (1:8-9) they were deceived by the demons.
In trying to be godly and holy, they went to the extremes of abstaining from things.

Paul pointed out two such erroneous teachings:
  1. forbidding marriage
  2. abstinence from foods
Paul also gave the reasons why such abstinence were wrong.
  1. 1Tim 4:4 Everything created by God is good and it to be received with thanksgiving.
  2. Everything can made holy by the word of God and prayer and with thanksgiving if we still have doubts about any of them. (1Tim 4:5).
Godliness does not come just by abstaining foods or marriage. Going a bit further, even sinlessness does not mean Godliness. A table or chair is sinless. A dead person that could do no sin is not godly. Godliness is a positive thing of value which we shall cover in the next question.

(Note: as pointed in Chapter 1, we tend to err on two extremes, legalism & abstinence covered here, and the other of Antinomianism- grace covers all our sins and we are therefore free to sin! This 2nd part is well covered in 1&2Peter and Jude)

Q2 What are 'these things' that Paul admonished Timothy to do?
In one word, it is 'Godliness' or more specifically, training in godliness.

Benefits of Godliness
  1. of value in every way - for now and for the life to come.
    Physical training benefits a little but godliness is much more. We spend time to train our body for health, what about spending time for our training in godliness?
  2. 1Tim 6:6 Godliness with contentment is great gains. See 1 Tim 6:6 Godliness.
The Practice:
  1. Not abstaining from things but pursuing godliness.
  2. Learn and practice the word of faith, the good doctrine thought 4:8
  3. Have nothing to do with irrevent and silly myths.
  4. Be the examples for believers to follow (4:12) in boldness (not despised), in speech, conduct, love, faith, purity.
  5. Public reading, teaching and exhortation of the Bible.v13
  6. Make good use of our God given gifts v14.
  7. Monitor and reflect on our progress - our behavior and the progress in the list of things listed above. v16
Q3 What are the things that are applicable to you? How will you put them into practice?

This is an application question (point 7 above).  Pick up one or two things that are of concern to you and work out an action plan. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you if it is not obvious. Holy Spirit 'talks' to us all the time even when we are not aware. He is in us.

Review this periodically to see if you have attained the plan and move on to others.

Lim Liat Copyrighted 3 Aug 2011

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