
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bible Study 2 Timothy 4 Preach the Word Till the End

Do you know how to live this life with satisfaction that there be no regrets ?Paul knew his time is up. He was ready to receive the crown. He reminded his protege Timothy how to live this victorious life to the end; the key things he needed to do; the types of people he would meet and the reliance on God's grace and His Spirit to complete this journey of life well.
The Outline:

The Trend and the Formation of Myths

Paul told us that people will continue to like what they want to hear and form their own myths and distorted gospel and theology. We need to watch out ourselves.

The Work and Calling of Believers
The secret of living a victorious and no-regrets Christian life is given by Paul. A major key work is to preach the Word carefully. Study the details of how this is done. The key verse in this chapter and even for the whole book of 2Tim is in 2Tim 4:2.
Paul's Own Successful Example:

The Types of People We shall be Meeting:
The Final Farewell:

Questions for Reflections:
  1. What do people nowadays like to hear?
  2. What will that lead to?
  3. What can be done about it?
  4. What are we called to do in general?  Do a checklist for Paul and learn from him.
  5. What are the different types of people that you will encounter?
  6. How should you handle them?
  7. What does the story of Paul and Mark tell us?

Lim Liat (C) 7 Nov 2011

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