
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bible Study Daniel Chapter 5 Hand Writing on the Wall

God does execute judgment and this time quite quickly. Under this great period of grace, we should not take his kindness for granted and must show our honor and respect to Him. God may have already forgiven us but we may have to go through the discipline and the consequences that our sins had brought us like David and others.
Belshazzar did not learn from his maternal grand-father Nebuchadnezzar's acknowledge of the true God. Instead, he held wild party, abusing the cups of the Temple of God to worship their own idols that could not save them from the attack of the Medes & Persian. God judged him, with a dramatic display of finger writing the wall. Daniel was remembered and called for. Daniel gave the interpretation and pronounced his sins and judgement. He was killed the very night.

The mind map below gives us the details:

Daniel 5 The Hand Writing on the Wall

The Questions for your reflection with some answers:

Like me quote Phil 2:12-13 to be the lesson and application that we learned from this study:

work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
Let us live this life wisely, knowing and honoring our God with our testimonies in word and deeds.

Lim Liat (C) 14 July 2012

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