
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath - Luke 6:1-5

When can we break the law?
What is the right balance between legalism and antinomianism? 


  • Principle Centered Flexibility
    • What is the higher principle that Jesus applied to justify the 'violation' of certain laws?
    • Sabbath is meant for the benefit of Man
      • doing work for the survival of man is OK - such as eating and healing etc.
    • Human Life is more important than Religious Customs. The greater significance of human need over strict adherence to ceremonial law. Such is true Love for man.
    • 孟子曰:“大人者,言不必信,行不必果,惟义所在。” Mencius said, “The great man, speech needs not always be trusted, action needs not always bring a result, the only thing is to have righteousness.
    • It is OK to break promises when the situation changes and you do so to keep to a higher principle of righteousness. i.e. if keeping the promise brings more harm, then don’t.
  • Legalism is adherence to rules, or laws, at the expense of the underlying principles or spirit behind those rules. On the other hand, Antinomians assert that faith in Christ exempts believers from observing moral laws or standards, suggesting that because they are saved by grace, they are no longer bound by moral or ethical requirements. The truth is a more balanced and grace-centered approach to faith, which emphasizes the importance of love, mercy, and relationship with God over strict adherence to religious laws on one hand or lawlessness on the other. gives the following when I asked it to give greater clarity for the last paragraph:

"There are two extreme approaches to religious law and morality:

  1. Legalism: This is strict adherence to rules without considering their underlying purpose or spirit. Legalists focus on following laws to the letter, often missing their intended meaning or broader principles.
  2. Antinomianism: This view suggests that faith in Christ frees believers from all moral laws. Antinomians argue that since salvation comes through grace, Christians are no longer bound by any ethical or moral standards.

Both these extremes miss the mark. A more balanced approach recognizes that while we are saved by grace, this doesn't negate the importance of moral behavior. Instead, it emphasizes:

  • Love and mercy as central principles
  • A personal relationship with God
  • Understanding the spirit behind religious laws
  • Ethical living as a response to God's grace, not a means to earn salvation

This balanced view avoids the rigidity of legalism and the potential chaos of antinomianism. It encourages believers to live ethically out of love for God and others, rather than from fear of punishment or a misguided sense of complete freedom from moral constraints."

Jesus Calls the First Disciples - Luke 5:1-11

 How do you attract people to follow you? Jesus shows you how.


    If you want people to listen to you, you need to get their attention first. Know their needs and show them how they can get what they want by listening to you.

    Jesus did not just tell people to believe and follow Him. He gave them evidence for them to build their faith. Our faith is not blind faith but built on evidence. In the end times, we are warned by Jesus of the arrival of false prophets and false Christ, we must be alert and discerning.

    When you pick up a new mission, you must not look back. Give your full attention and efforts in achieving your new mission. Be focus.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

A Question About Fasting - Luke 5:33-39

 Some potential erroneous actions for modern people:

  1. Once we think of something good, we want to do it immediately. 
  2. We think that the new thing is always better than old things.
  3. We think one tool can solve all problems. We tried it once and it works well and so we think we can use it to solve all future problems.
Jesus reminded us that there is a right time and right place for all things. There is a need to match the tools/methods and the problems.


    There is a right time to do the right thing - Ask, is this the right time to do it? When is the right time to do it?

    The method must fit the situation - the right tool for the right job e.g. hammer for nails, screwdriver for screw.

    New things are not necessarily better than old things - Must know how to match - the right personality for the right job

    Chinese Wisdom is 天时地利人和 The right time for the right place for the right people.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Jesus Calls Levi - Luke 5:27-31

What do you do when you feel you are not doing well? Seek help and make a change. Bring closure to the past, give up the past lifestyle, and be fully committed to the new calling. It is a two-step process of knowing the undesirability of the present and wanting to change for the better. Jesus is your answer to the better world that you want.


    Search for diversities in your team. Your team needs different skills and personalities for success.

    Bring closure to our past and focus on the new chapter of our life like Levi.

    Know who and where are your 'customers' and go to them. Don't wait for them to come to you.

    Jesus seeks out sinners to free them and give them the life they should have. But it only works if we realize that we are sinners and want Him to help us. Jesus will not violate our wishes.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Jesus Heals a Paralytic - Luke 5:17-26

Do you give up easily? Your faith and your desire are revealed when you encounter obstacles. Do you lose your faith and give up or do you overcome them and carry on? 

James 2:18 says, "But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works". 

By healing the paralytic Jesus shows His authority to forgive sins. All the badness of sickness and death are caused by sins. Jesus is the life force to destroy sins. Do you accept Jesus as the savior for your sins?


    Jesus' statement shows us that all the sickness and degradation of the earth come from sins.
        Sins are the cause of all bad and the obstacles to all healing and good.
        Sins are removed by the death of Jesus on the cross and restoration comes from Jesus' resurrection.

        Now, let's receive the healing work completed by Jesus and enjoy the benefits of healing, etc obtained and given by Jesus. Amen.

    Don't let any obstacle stop your progress. Faith is having the confidence and persistence to overcome obstacles. The friends of the paralytic were not stopped by the crowd, they found a new way to reach Jesus the healer and got their desire fulfilled.

    ChatGPT In summary, Luke 5:15-26 portrays Jesus as a compassionate healer and authoritative teacher, demonstrating his divine power to heal, forgive sins, and command obedience. It also highlights the themes of faith, perseverance, and the ongoing conflict between Jesus and religious authorities regarding his claims and actions.

How can we get what we want?

Know the truth, the source of life, and pursue it persistently to get your answers.

Lim Liat (c) 29-1-24

Saturday, January 27, 2024

The New Way to read and learn from a book ---

The New Way to read and learn from a book ---

You are familiar with ChatGPT for the cloud database out there. But what if you have your own special knowledge base to upload and train the AI? I thought I had to learn a lot to build upon ChatGPT to have my own knowledge base uploaded. But this saves me all the trouble. You can upload your knowledge in PDF format to train it.
Illustrate with Bible Study.
I uploaded my mind map of Luke 5 in pdf format and here is the result.

I tested it with "Why did Peter say he was a sinner?"
The answer:
In Luke 5:8, after witnessing the miraculous catch of fish, Peter falls down at Jesus' knees and says, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord." Peter's response reflects his recognition of his own unworthiness and sinfulness in the presence of Jesus, whom he perceives as holy and divine.
Peter's statement also reflects a common theme in the Bible, where individuals who encounter God or his messengers often express a sense of unworthiness and sinfulness. For example, in Isaiah 6:5, the prophet Isaiah declares, "Woe to me! I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty."
Peter's confession of sinfulness is a recognition of his need for God's grace and forgiveness. It also sets the stage for Jesus to call Peter to follow him and become a fisher of men, demonstrating that God's grace and transformative power are available to all, regardless of their past mistakes or shortcomings.
My conclusion:
Still not smart enough to infer from what is not stated in the text.
My view is that Peter said he was a sinner because he did not really believe Jesus casting the net again to have a big catch. He was the expert fisherman and he did not catch any. It was with doubt and ridicule that Peter did what Jesus asked to prove that Jesus was wrong.
With AI, it is a common level of understanding and there is space for improved insights. So I can continue, for the time being, my Bible Study posts.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Jesus Cleanses a Leper - Luke 5:12-16

We believe God is the creator of the universe and all therein. So we have no problem with the power of God. Our issue is the will of God. Will God answer my request? Why would He want to answer my request? Who am I? The answer is not about how good or how deserving we are --- I don't think we could qualify. But it is Who God is. God is love too. Jesus' cross had paid the price and removed any obstacle demanded by God's righteousness. So Jesus boldly declares in Matthew 7:7-8, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened". 

We see a real working case in today's bible study Luke 5:12-16


    Like the leper, believers have no problem in the power of God but are unsure about the will of God. Jesus assured us Mat 7:7-8. Our job is to ask and believe and leave the method and timing to God. May the Lord give us peace, rest, and joy in the meantime.

Lim Liat (c) 27-1-24

Monday, January 22, 2024

Jesus Healed & Preached Throughout Israel - Luke 4:38-44

If we want to benefit from what we know, we must put them to work. Jesus' disciples knew Jesus and asked Him to heal Simon's mother-in-law. The people heard about it and brought their sick to Jesus. Do you put your knowledge to work? Take your first step and ask Jesus.


  1. Put our faith in Jesus to work. Share the good news and meet the needs with healing and other means.
  2. Good things must be shared and not be possessed for one own use.
  3. Need time to be alone with God and to rest and recharge.

Lim Liat (c) 23-1-24

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Jesus Rejected at Nazarethm, His home town - Luke 4:23-30

Witnessing at home could be a big challenge since they all know us well, especially our bad things. Now that we tell them we have changed, how could they believe? They know Jesus as the carpenter, how is it that he became a prophet? When Jesus shared the message of God's blessings, the year of God's favor, they all accepted Him. But when he said the blessings of God would be given to the foreigners as well, they got upset. They were furious when Jesus cited the cases of blessings to foreigners only so that they wanted to kill Jesus. We can see that when our minds are closed, and when people challenge our beliefs, we can be very violent. We need to develop an open mindset.


    People who are familiar with you will not believe your extraordinary messages and change. It will take time for them to accept. So be patient.

    If you preach against the people's prejudices and biases, even if yours is the truth, expect to face challenges and persecutions. Can we change the style of our message from pushing to drawing? Will it work better? Surely Jesus understood it as it was in the many parables he preached.

    When there is a real need, God's protection will come to save you. v29-30

Friday, January 19, 2024

Jesus Begins His Ministry - Luke 4:14-22

What was the key message that Jesus preached when he started His ministry?
How can we benefit from it?

Here is the answer:


    The year of the Lord's favor has continued to today and to His 2nd coming.

    The Lord's favor includes abundance to meet our needs, freeing us from prisons of all kinds, healing of all kinds, and power to overcome all the forces against us. This is the period of His Grace - forgiveness of our sins, adopting and transforming us as children of God, protection from evils, and power to bring His glory on earth. We are blessed to bring blessings to others.

    We are to go forth to proclaim the Year of God's Favor on all too.

    Do you have any need? Come to receive Jesus and God's favor for your needs and growth.

May the Lord bless you and keep you with Him always.

Lim Liat (c) 20-1-2024

The Temptations of Jesus - Luke 4:1-13 & Limitations and Use of ChatGPT for Bible Study

The temptations of Jesus by the devil must be the ones we human beings most easily fall for because Jesus was a man then. What are these 3 things we desire most:

#1 Survival, food, selfishness 

#2 Power, glory, wealth

#3 Protection from harm even when we are doing bad things. We want to be in charge and do whatever we like without suffering the consequences.

To cross-check our exposition on Luke 4, we can now use ChatGPT to help us. Here is ChatGPT response:

The Temptation of Jesus is a significant event described in the Gospel of Luke, specifically in Luke 4:1-13. This narrative follows Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist and precedes the beginning of his public ministry. The account highlights the spiritual and moral strength of Jesus as he faced and resisted various temptations from Satan in the wilderness. Here's an expounding on the three temptations presented in Luke 4:

  1. Turn Stones into Bread (Luke 4:3-4):

    • Temptation: Satan suggests that Jesus should use his divine power to turn stones into bread to satisfy his hunger after fasting for 40 days.
    • Significance: This temptation challenges Jesus to prioritize physical needs over spiritual obedience. Jesus responds by quoting Deuteronomy 8:3, emphasizing that one does not live by bread alone but by every word of God. This underscores the importance of relying on God's word and trusting in His provision.
  2. Kingdoms of the World (Luke 4:5-8):

    • Temptation: Satan shows Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and offers them to him in exchange for worship.
    • Significance: This temptation addresses the issue of earthly power and authority. Jesus rejects the offer, recognizing that worship belongs to God alone. His response, quoting Deuteronomy 6:13, reaffirms the commandment to worship and serve God exclusively, reinforcing the importance of spiritual fidelity over worldly power.
  3. Temple Pinnacle (Luke 4:9-12):

    • Temptation: Satan takes Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple in Jerusalem, suggesting that he should throw himself down, relying on angels to save him.
    • Significance: This temptation challenges Jesus to test God's protection. Jesus responds by quoting Deuteronomy 6:16, stating that one should not put the Lord to the test. This reinforces the importance of trust and faith in God's plan without deliberately engaging in unnecessary and presumptuous risks.

In each temptation, Jesus consistently relies on Scripture to counter Satan's suggestions, demonstrating a deep understanding of the Word of God and a commitment to obedience. The temptations serve to highlight Jesus' moral and spiritual strength, emphasizing his role as the obedient Son of God who resists the allure of worldly power and remains committed to fulfilling God's plan for salvation.

ChaptGPT & Bible Study:

1. Use ChatGPT to cross-check our understanding of the Bible. 

2. ChatGPT provides a common understanding and not expert knowledge and wisdom since ChatGPT is trained on mass data. The experts or more in-depth texts would be overwhelmed by the mass texts and average out or cut off as extreme. See the posts listed under See also below to know extra wisdom.

3. We need the Holy Spirit's guidance to make the Bible come alive for us and give us the wisdom to apply it.

Lim Liat (c) 19 Jan 2024

See also:

The Temptations of Jesus Your identity is given by God and there is no need to prove to anyone at all. Surely it needs not be proven by external means. Does your parents need to prove to you or vice versa? Secondly, God has created the laws, spiritual and natural, for us to follow and not for us to violate for what we deems good. Lastly, there should not other gods than God. Never place wealth or glory above God and try to use God to gain them.

Happiness and the Temptation of Jesus The Temptation of Jesus teaches us to accept what God's Words say about us and not let ourselves be defined by external happenings and people. We are beloved child of God and need not seek happiness outside. We dare to explore and compare with others, to discover, to learn and to help, making it a better place for all. But that must begin with our acceptance by God inwardly and then we express outwardly. Happiness that depends on external is very unstable.

Confucianism and the Temptations of Jesus The temptation of Jesus Christ can be best understood with the Confucianism's virtue of 礼Li, the right way of behavior for the right time and situation. Devil's power of temptation is to appeal to your right intention but get you do it in the wrong way and situation.

The Starting of Our Life & Career and the Temptations of Jesus The temptations of Jesus (Luke 4:1-13 and Matthew 4:1-11) occured just before Jesus bagan His ministry. They are like the final examination that a student undertake before he graduated into the workforce of the society. They are the three key questions that one must find the answer before we start our life in the society. The answers shall be the guide posts that will lead us to success and a life without regrets at our death. The answers cannot be derived and proven by external means as the devil repeatedly wanted Jesus to do. Man can talk. But a talking parrot does not a man make. There is no need to prove that you are human being. You know yourself for sure. So, what are the 3 keys questions that you need to know and need not prove?

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Genealogy of Jesus Christ - Luke 3:23-38

 Our genealogy tells us where we come from. Luke traced for us through Mary. Here is the mind map:


    There is a time for everything, especially the time needed for development. It took Jesus 30 years of development before He was ready to start His ministry.

    God is our heavenly Father, our source, our origin. Man does not evolve from apes. So behave like our Father and not like an animal.

    Jesus as the son of man is qualified to represent us to pay for our sins.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

John the Baptist Prepares the Way - Luke 3:1-22

So many people and corporations forgot their original vision and values that made them successful when they grew big and powerful and ended in failure.  That was not so for John the Baptist. Despite his increasing popularity, he never lost sight of his mission - to prepare the way for the Savior.  He continued to raise Jesus up. John 3:30. “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

Let's see it from Luke 3.

In this present time, while we await for the return (2nd Coming) of our Lord Jesus Christ, we should behave like John the Baptist too. Preparing for Christ's 2nd Coming - Let's be John ...


    Despite his popularity, John did not grow proud and forgot his mission - preparing the way for Jesus. He pointed the people to Jesus.

    John is just the spokesman. Jesus would be doing the real work of salvation of mankind by his sacrifice on the cross.

1. When we become successful, do we forget our 初心 original beliefs, values, and attitudes?
2. How do we prepare for the return of Jesus? In the same way as John the Baptist --- Point people to Jesus.

Lim Liat (c) 17 Jan 2024 

Monday, January 15, 2024

12 Years old Jesus in Temple - Luke 2:39-52

In what areas shall we grow up, especially for children? Luke tells us - in 3 areas of wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man.


  • Live with Purpose:
    • Like Boy Jesus, we should know and live according to our calling.
  • Grow in Wisdom
    • Go to the right environment such as school, temple, learning groups
    • Learn from teachers & others
    • Ask questions
  • Grow in Stature
    • Physical growth
      • Give time for growth
    • Spiritual & Character
      • Putting our learning into actions
      • Character is developed over time with practices
  • Honoring Elders
    • Honoring our parents is based on seniority in a relationship and not on wisdom or wealth or any other factors.
  • The Check - Favor with God & Men
    • Understand that true wisdom leads to respect and favor from both God and people, fostering a well-rounded and respected character.

To understand wisdom better, please see: Wisdom for Living Well - Proverbs 30(3)

Lim Liat (c) 16 Jan 2024 / updated 1 June 2024

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Jesus Presented at the Temple - Luke 2:21-38

When Jesus was brought to the temple for purification, two old people, Simeon and Anna, came to bless and prophesize about the child - Jesus as the light and the redemption of the world. 

Why do good people suffer? Two main reasons. One is that they may lack wisdom and make the wrong choices. The other is that this is a fallen world. The righteous will expose the badness of others. Here we find Simeon prophesized that Jesus would be opposed or Jesus would bring disputes. (Luke 12:51 says, "Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division".)

  1. People will be willing to depart after their wishes have been fulfilled like Simon.
  2. God will take care of us even when life seems bad to others like Anna (widow after 7 years and yet live older than 84 years old)
  3. Both prophesized about the mission of Jesus - Our Salvation at His cost/cross. Would you like to accept Jesus as Savior?
  4. As this is a fallen world, the light that shines in darkness will invite opposition and persecution from the other sides.
  5. Learn from the challenges we face in life and come out better because God's grace is with us.
    Read James Allen's "As A Man Thinketh" especially Chapter 2.

Lim Liat (2) 15 Jan 2024

Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Birth of Jesus Christ - Luke 2:1-20

At the birth of Jesus Christ, God sent a host of angels to tell the shepherds first. The wise men came a year or two later. In the eyes of God, all men are equally loved. More love would be given to the ones that needed more.


    Our destination is not determined by our starting point. Nothing is permanent except God. Continue to be humble even if we are very successful.

    God reaches out to the common people and is for the common people.

    It is grace. No one can earn it. Mar 2:17 "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”

    Miracles, visions, and angels can happen to normal people. Not just the "spiritual", famous, high-ranking people. We can expect a miracle to be given to us.

    God cares for the low and ordinary people. It was the shepherds and not the royalties who were given the miracles and first-hand witnesses for the birth of Jesus.

    The journey to a destination of blessing may not be as fast and smooth as we expect. In fact, it could be a journey that trains us so that we be competent in our destined position. Do not be defeated by the difficulties encountered on the way. They are our learning points. There are high and low points in our journey.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Zechariah's Prophecy - Luke 1:67-80

Zechariah prophesized about his son John the Baptist mission. It is about repentance to receive the forgiveness of God for our sins. He laid the path for the coming of Jesus. But from his prophecy, we also see his expectation of the Messiah is only for the deliverance of Israel from its enemies.

The lessons we can learn are:


  1.  Be open-minded, and see realities as is and not as we want them to be. It is a difficult thing to do. Suggest reading Adam Grant's "Think-Again".
  2.  Be humble and acknowledge and listen to God's revelation. Study Jesus' words carefully without preconceived bias and prejudices. --- The religious leaders saw Jesus' popularity as a threat to them and killed Him instead of receiving Him.
  3. Respond to John's message for repentance and accept Jesus' salvation for forgiveness of sins - Mat 3:2 and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” - Kingdom comes with judgment for sins.

The Birth of John the Baptist - Luke 1:57-66

The story of the birth of John the Baptist revealed to us the God that remembered(The meaning of Zechariah) His covenant and the delivery of His promise as the Salvation of mankind (John means the Lord is Salvation).

We learned the following lessons:
  1. God is Faithful - From Zechariah to John, God remembered His covenant and delivered it as the Salvation for the people.
  2. Must be like Zachariah  - obedience to God's will.
  3. God is a miracle-working God. If you need a miracle, go to God and request it like Zechariah & Elizabeth
What else did you learn from this passage? Please share with us in the comment section.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Mary Action and Praise - Luke 1:39-56

 Mary believed the Angel Gabriel's message first and then went to validate the angel's claim.  After confirmation, she gave praise to the Lord. We can learn much from her praise.

See A Reflection on Mary's Worship Song for more details.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Birth of Jesus Foretold & Mary's Acceptance - Luke 1:26-38

 It is quite popular among Christians, to seek prophecies for themselves. They would go to the so-called anointed prophets to request them to pray over them. Many people now call themselves "Prophets". This is very much like the Chinese practice of going to fortune-tellers.  While seeking God's will is a must, it is a communication between God and you. You can seek confirmation from others that you trust after you get the message from God. But it must start with you. On very rare occasions would you have some fellow believers coming to you to tell you what God said about you. Even on such occasions, you should be careful and validate the message. Let's learn from Mary on the very special event - the Foretelling of the Birth of Jesus to Mary.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Birth of John the Baptist Foretold - Luke 1:5-25


Key Lessons:
  1. Seek God and Request from Him for your needs. God should be the first and not the last channel to find answers to your needs.
  2. It is OK to be prudent and ask for confirmation even though it is not the best.
  3. We ask God and God answers, but we doubt! This is like the Disciples praying for Peter's release and yet did not believe the Maid's words in Act 16:23.  This is different from SCAM. With Scam, we did not ask for it. It was initiated by them to tempt or threaten us. We need to double-check such messages.
  4. With John the Baptist's mission, we are reminded of our commission to share the gospels and make disciples of all nations. We are to rely on the Holy Spirit who empowers us.

What other lessons did you learn from studying this passage? Please share in the comments.

The Purpose of the Gospel of Luke

Because the Bible is being considered as a religious book, some people doubt its authenticity. While it is always good to start with doubt, especially in today's world of scams and AI-generated images and videos, it should not stop us to investigate and seek the truth.

Luke, the author of the Gospel of Luke, was aware of his readers who may not believe in his accounts of Jesus, and so started the book, with an explanation of the background then and the purpose.

The Gospel of Luke is thought to have been written between 100 and 175 C.E.

The earliest manuscripts of the Gospel of Luke are five papyrus fragments that date back to the late second or early third century. 

So, we can have much confidence that the Gospel of Luke is a true recording of the life stories of Jesus.

If that we so, we must study and understand the message of Luke and examine our beliefs.