
Sunday, January 28, 2024

Jesus Heals a Paralytic - Luke 5:17-26

Do you give up easily? Your faith and your desire are revealed when you encounter obstacles. Do you lose your faith and give up or do you overcome them and carry on? 

James 2:18 says, "But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works". 

By healing the paralytic Jesus shows His authority to forgive sins. All the badness of sickness and death are caused by sins. Jesus is the life force to destroy sins. Do you accept Jesus as the savior for your sins?


    Jesus' statement shows us that all the sickness and degradation of the earth come from sins.
        Sins are the cause of all bad and the obstacles to all healing and good.
        Sins are removed by the death of Jesus on the cross and restoration comes from Jesus' resurrection.

        Now, let's receive the healing work completed by Jesus and enjoy the benefits of healing, etc obtained and given by Jesus. Amen.

    Don't let any obstacle stop your progress. Faith is having the confidence and persistence to overcome obstacles. The friends of the paralytic were not stopped by the crowd, they found a new way to reach Jesus the healer and got their desire fulfilled.

    ChatGPT In summary, Luke 5:15-26 portrays Jesus as a compassionate healer and authoritative teacher, demonstrating his divine power to heal, forgive sins, and command obedience. It also highlights the themes of faith, perseverance, and the ongoing conflict between Jesus and religious authorities regarding his claims and actions.

How can we get what we want?

Know the truth, the source of life, and pursue it persistently to get your answers.

Lim Liat (c) 29-1-24

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