
Monday, February 19, 2024

Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon - Luke 8:26-39 Same Event but Different Actions

For the same event, people may see it differently and take different actions.
How can we be sure that we keep calm and see the truth and thereby make the right decisions?


1 How do you perceive or interpret an event?

        The delivered man knew Jesus as God. The people of the city saw Jesus as a disaster. They focused on their loss and not the well-being of the delivered.

2 How can you be sure that your interpretation is correct?

        Be calm and look at the evidence.  Seek different perspectives and opinions

            For the delivered man, it was obvious. He was possessed and now he was freed.
for the people, they saw the power of Jesus but also saw the great loss of herds because of Jesus.

            They feared that Jesus could bring them greater harm, from pigs to men?

            If they had calmed down and discussed among themselves about who Jesus was, they might have made a different decision.

3 Are we a good disciple?

        Know and Obey

            The delivered man wanted to follow Jesus. Do we want to?

            He listened and obeyed Jesus' instruction - go home and preach the gospel throughout the whole city.

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