Sunday, February 4, 2024

Jesus Ministers to a Great Multitude - Luke 6:17-19

Jesus preached with authority, unlike the other rabi. He demonstrated with healing of the sick and the casting out of devils. He has great influence and the crowd follows Him. Let's reflect on our image and our influence on others...

Remember, we are saved for good work (Eph 2:10) and Matthew 5:16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven"


  • Jesus was attracting a large crowd with His teachings and demonstration of His power of healing and casting out of devils. What are our influences? Are people blessed by being with us? What do you want to be known for?

  • 君子有三立 - Aspiration of Noble: 3 establishments
    • 古人云君子三立:立德、立功(行)、立言。立德,如果是一棵树,那他就是主干。 立功,如果是一棵树,他就是花和果实。立言,如果是一棵树那他就是种子,传下去。

      As the ancients said, a noble person establishes three things: the establishment of virtue, the establishment of achievements (actions), and the establishment of words. The establishment of virtue is like the trunk of a tree; it forms the core. The establishment of achievements is like the flowers and fruits of a tree; it represents the visible results. The establishment of words is like the seeds of a tree; it is passed down and propagated.

    • 三字经:人遗子,金满嬴。我教子,惟一经。勤有功,戏无益。戒之哉,宜勉力。

      The Three-Character Classic: "Parents pass on to their children gold and wealth. I teach my child only one classic. Diligence leads to success while fooling around is of no benefit. Beware, and strive diligently."

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