
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Do Not Be Anxious Luke 12:22-34 --- Get Right with God 1st Will Get Rid of Worry

How not to be anxious? Know that it is useless. Better to know the God that is in charge of all things. Know that God cares for us. Know that the important thing in life is spiritual development and material development will follow. Pur God first and use money to serve God. Be generous and invest in the heavenly bank by giving to the needy.


  • Focus on seeking God's kingdom and our relationship with Him, our spiritual life, knowing God will care for us because we are His, and be calm and confident to live physically well.

  • Such faith and trust on God is not blind. Jesus asked us to look at the birds and lilies and God's care for them and because we are more valuable than them, God will surely care for us. So worry not.

  • Get our relationship right with God is more important. Getting this right will get other things in our life be right.

  • Gemini AI:
    • Don't worry about material possessions:
      • Jesus teaches that life is more than just food and clothing, and that we shouldn't be consumed by anxiety about our basic needs. God cares for us, and will provide for what we truly need.
    • Trust in God's providence:
      • Look at the birds of the air - they don't worry about where their next meal is coming from, yet God takes care of them. We are much more valuable to God than the birds, so we can trust that He will take care of us as well.
    • Worrying is unproductive:
      • Worrying won't change our circumstances or solve our problems. Instead of worrying, we should focus on things that we can control.
    • Seek God's Kingdom first:
      • Our focus should be on living according to God's will and building God's kingdom on earth. When we do this, God will take care of our needs.
    • Be generous:
      • Jesus instructs his disciples to sell their possessions and give to the needy. This is a call to generosity and to not place our ultimate security in material things.
    • Store up treasures in heaven:
      • The passage emphasizes that true wealth is found in our relationship with God and the things we do for Him. These treasures will last for eternity.
    • Where your treasure is, there your heart will be:
      • This proverb emphasizes that our priorities are revealed by how we spend our money and our time.

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