
Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Martha and Mary Luke 10:38-41 --- Prioritize

Are you feeling very busy and yet not making progress?
The reason is that you did not get the priorities right.
Find out what's most important first and then align all activities toward it. That is called strategic thinking and strategizing. Find the purpose, the visions, and work out the plan, and then execute it.


  • #1 Start with Jesus - inviting Jesus to our life.
  • #2 Once we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, we should start with knowing and asking Him to lead us.
  • #3 It is no longer what we think is good for Jesus. Many people serve Jesus with good intentions of gratitude, but they get the order wrong. They think about what will be good for Jesus rather than asking Jesus what should we be doing. That was Martha's error, a mixed-up priority.
  • #4 Once we get the priority right, start to do the most important thing first, then the other activities will be automatically lined up and we will do them with joy and effectiveness.
  • #5 What is the most important goal and what are the activities to do first?
  • ChatGPT: The key message here is about the balance between action and contemplation in the Christian life. While service and action are crucial, they must be grounded in a deep relationship with Jesus, nurtured through prayer, meditation, and study of his word. It's not about choosing one over the other but finding harmony between them, recognizing that our service flows from our relationship with Christ.
  • Gemini: It can also be seen as a call to find balance in life. Both Martha's busyness and Mary's attentiveness are important. Ultimately, the story is about listening to Jesus' teachings. This is the "good portion" that Mary has chosen.

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