
Thursday, April 25, 2024

Let the Children Come Luke 18:15-17 --- Kingdom of God Welcomes Child-likeness

 Let us never outgrow our child-likeness. The energy and the interest to explore and learn whatever with humility and open-mindedness. The ability to ask and to trust. Such are the requirements to receive the kingdom of God.


  • Humility:
    • Children are naturally humble, free from the pride and self-reliance that can hinder adults from accepting God's grace.
  • Trust:
    • Children often have a simple and trusting faith. Jesus highlights the importance of this kind of trusting belief in God.
  • Openness:
    • Children are open to new things and experiences. Entering the kingdom might require letting go of preconceived notions and embracing God's will.
  • Dependence:
    • Children rely on their parents for provision and care. This can be seen as a call to depend on God completely.
  • Value of Children:
    • Jesus elevates the status of children, implying that they are not to be dismissed or overlooked but rather valued and esteemed.
  • Inclusivity
    • Children welcome others even from other ages and races

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