
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Paul’s Goal in Ministry Col 1:21-29 --- 'Christ in You' for Maturity

Many churches spread the gospel well - mass evangelism meetings and conferences, Alpha courses, Happiness Groups, etc.  However, they do not seem to do a good follow-up work of bringing them up to maturity in Christ.  Some young believers said they treated us very well when they were non-believers but after that, they were neglected.

On the other hand, many believers worry that they may lose their salvation.  There are leaders who use such threats to get their members to serve in their church. 

Paul presented the two problems well. 

Firstly, salvation is the first step to the end-goal of maturity in Christ. We are saved for good works --- to become what Christ has created and prepared us for.

Secondly, Paul emphasized that mystery revealed, "Christ in You, the Hope for Glory". God did not abandon us after saving us, He dwells in us to empower us, to accomplish the good works he created us for.

Hence, live confidently, with hope and joy, and give your best to serve and enjoy God through serving others.


  • #1 The Gospel Message:
    • Save Us
      • Christ’s death reconciles us to God, enabling us to be holy and blameless in His sight.
    • For Good Work
      •  'Christ in Us' enables us to grow into maturity in Christ.

    • Ephesians 2:8-10 we are saved through faith by grace for good works that God has prepared for us.
  • #2 The Goal of Christian Leader
    • To spread the gospel.
    • To serve others and nurture their growth into maturity in Christ.


  • Dear God,
    • We thank You for saving us and creating us for good works. We are grateful that through 'Christ in us,' You empower us to serve others and grow together into maturity in Christ. Your grace is Your empowerment, enabling us to become what You designed us to be. Glory and praise to You. Amen.

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