
Friday, June 4, 2010

Bible Study 1Peter Chapter 2 Life of A Believer & Role of A Servant

We can divide Chapter into the following key topics:
  1. Believers' Identity - We Are.
  2. Believers' Conduct - We Do & We Do Not.
  3. Role of A Servant.
Believers' Identity - We Are.
  1. A Living Stone of the Spiritual House of Christ. v4-8
    We are members(stone) of a larger body (House) of Christ the Cornerstone.
    Paul uses members of a living body with Christ as the Head.
    Non believers reject Christ and Christ becomes their stumbling block. It is not Christ but their thinking.
  2. Priesthood - Royal & Holy v5,9 to offer sacrifices - What are these sacrifices?
    Paul tells us in Rom 12:1-2 that we are the living sacrifices as Peter living stones.
  3. Chosen Race - Precious v 4,6,9. It is God who choose us willingly.
  4. Holy Nation - v9
  5. God's own People v9
  6. In God's light v9
    This compared well with 1John as we are walking in the light as Christ is the light.
  7. Received mercy v10
  8. Beloved v10
    Same as 1John.
  9. Sojourners & exiles in this world. v11
    This world is not ours. We are citizens of heaven and ambassadors for Christ are the terms that Paul uses.
Believers' Conduct - We Do & We Do Not.
Our conduct should flow naturally from our identity. What we do tells others what we are. It is through our conduct that we attract or repulse people to Christ.
  1. We Do (have good conduct):
    1. take in spiritual milk - what is that? The word of God. v2
    2. offer spiritual sacrifices - what? Our conduct. v5 The sacrifice of time, effort, etc to God.
    3. obey human institutions - the government, those in authorities. v13-17
    4. have good conduct among non-believers not just in church v12
    5. honorable v12 - see our good works and shut up and glorify God instead.
    6. live as freed from sin and free to serve God v16
    7. honor everyone v17
    8. love the brotherhood v17
    9. fear God v17
    10. return to our Shepherd & Overseer of our souls (who? Holy Spirit)
  2. We do NOT 
    1. malice v1
    2. follow passion of the flesh (self will)
Role of A Servant - Suffer as Christ had Suffered for Righteousness!v18-24
Obey & Respect & Suffer even for the Unjust Bosses!
We tend to argue that since our bosses are too demanding and hence we don't obey him. Many believers use the name of God and priority for God and override all other things that they don't want to do. Peter clearly stated here that are to respect and obey even they are unjust bad bosses. Jesus set the example (v22-23) and suffer quietly for righteousness trusting His Father to judge justly. There is no glory when we are punished for wrong doings. There is glory when we suffer for righteousness.  Our testimonies may will our bosses to Christ.

Questions for Reflections and Applications
  1.  Who we are, determine what we do. According to Peter, who are we?
  2.  What should we do?
  3.  Are we doing them?
  4.  How should we behave as an employee?
  5.  How should we behave as a boss?
  6.  Can you include what you have learned in Ephesian to be more comprehensive?
  7.  How to you rate as an employee and as a boss according to the above scale?
See Bible Study 1Peter 2 Discussion

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