
Monday, June 7, 2010

Bible Study 1Peter Chapter 3 Husband & Wife And Suffering Rightly

Chapter 3 covers the roles of wife and husband and all believers. Concerning the conduct of all believers, there is longer discussion on suffering for Christ.

Role of Wife v1-6
  1. Respect your own husband. This is the way to win unbelieving husband to the Lord.
  2. Don't just be concern with external beauty (hair, jewelry, cloths) but also internal beauty of character in gentleness, quiet, submissive.
    A few misunderstood this verse and think the wife should not dress up nicely. This is not what Peter is saying. He is saying she need to do both and not just the eternal beauty. It is not either or but both.
  3. Do good and have no fear.
  4. For other references in Bible see Eph 5:22-24,33. Titus 2:5.
Role of Husband v7
  1. Honor your wife by being understanding, supportive, joined together as yourself
  2. There is a blessing for this - your prayers may not be hindered.
    We are usually taught that God answer our prayer 3 ways - Yes, No & Wait. Here gives us another view ... Hindered. God answer did not come because we could not receive due to our erroneous conduct. Let look for more verses to discover whether if this view is valid. See 1Pet 3:12
  3. Other reference to husband can be found in Eph 5:21-32.
Believers Conduct in General v8-18

Believers are to have:
  1. unity of mind - shared objectives.
  2. sympathy
  3. brotherly love
  4. tender heart
  5. humble mind
  6. Not to repay evil for evil but bless them.
    Why should we?
    Because we are called (God's children behave like God) & we may obtain a blessing!
  7. keep the tongue from speaking evil, deceit
  8. do good
  9. seek peace
  10. suffer for righteousness.
Suffering for Righteousness v14-18
  1. better to suffer for doing good than for doing evil v17
  2. Will be blessed v14
  3. Have no fear v14
  4. Be ready to defend Christ in gentleness and respect
  5. Have a good conscience 
  6. Put the accuser to shame v16
  7. Christ give us the example v18. This is a repeat of 2:21
The Mystery v19-20
Who are the spirits in prison that Christ proclaimed to in v19?
v20 tells us they are the disobedient ones living in Noah's days.
Some people use the verses to say that those who did not hear the gospel has a 2nd chance. Some even go the the extend that since it will be Christ who preach to them, it is even better for us not to share the gospel as Christ will be a better preacher and in a better situation(death!). But we should not over extend the interpretation of the Bible. This is a specific case of Christ and the people of Noah's days. We don't know about the people now.

Heb 9:27  And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment. 28  so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him..

see 1Pet 4:5-6 but they will give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. v6 For this is why the gospel was preached even to those who are dead, that though judged in the flesh the way people are, they might live in the spirit the way God does.

There is same confusion too about this v6. My understanding is "The gospel was preached to that were living then but now dead. Their(believers') physical dead in the flesh was the judgment for Adam's sin but their lives in the spirit is due to Christ's salvation."

So, it is better that we continue to share the gospel to those that are alive now with us.

Baptism is of the Heart v21-22
Peter tells us that Baptism symbolizes not just a removal of dirt from the body, but of dirt from the heart, a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is not the physical act of baptism that saves us but the true acceptance of the resurrected Christ in our heart that counts.

Questions for Reflections and Applications
  1. What is the lifestyle of a good wife?
  2. What is the lifestyle of a good husband?
  3. What is the lifestyle of a good believer? 
  4. How do we measure up to the answers to the above?
  5. How should a christian deal with suffering or injustice? 
  6. How can we apply the principles learned from above to a particular situation that you encountered in your work or family or church?
see Bible Study 1Peter Chapter 3 Discussion

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