
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bible Study John 5 Jesus the Son of God & the Proofs

Q1. Describe the event of the Healing of the Paralyzed at Pool of Bethesda. John 5:1-17
What can be learned about Jesus, getting healed, and the consequence of sin?

The Event:
  1. The Healing Pool of Bethesda. The first (few?) who step in when the water is stirred got healed. 5:7
  2. The invalid man was paralyzed for 38 years!
  3. Jesus saw him and knew his long wait.
  4. Jesus asked him "Do you want to be healed?". Why did Jesus asked this question? To ensure that he was the one who wanted his healing. He was there by his own will and not some one else who brought him there and wanted him to be healed. We need ask first.
  5. He was not totally paralyzed. He could move slowly, may be he suffered a stroke, because in v7 he said while he was going another steps down before him. 
  6. Jesus gave the command,"Get up, take up your bed and walk". In healing ministry, we should do the same. After prayer of healing, must ask the person to do the thing he could not formerly do. This sound like a contradiction but that is the miracle that is needed. The faith of action will bring forth the healing.
  7. He followed Jesus' instructions and did exactly that and realized the healing.
  8. The healing took place in Sabbath - the Day of Rest and no activity for the Jews. The Jews were upset because Jesus healed on Sabbath! Man tend to put rules ahead of the real need of people. Are we like this too? Whenever we say you can't because the rule say so, let's examine the spirit and original purpose of the rule. It is still applicable? Is treating everybody alike means fairness? Do we have the authority to change the man-made rule?
  9. He was so excited about walking that he lost Jesus and was picked by the Jews who saw him doing something religiously illegal on Sabbath - carrying his bed.
  10. Jesus found him in the temple. It was not sure whether he was brought there for questioning by the Jews or he was there to give thanks to God for his healing. Or, as in customary then, to verify that his healing was true?
  11. Jesus told him to sin no more (v14) implying that his sickness was due to his sin. 
  12. He went and told the Jews that it was Jesus who healed him. 
  13. The reaction of the Jews was ridiculous by our layman view point. We will seek out Jesus and honor him. Asking him to do more healing. But no, they made up their mind to persecute the rule-violator! Blindness and prejudice cause one to make wrong decisions!
  14. Jesus answered them that He is doing what His Father God is doing - healing and other things even on Sabbath because original purpose Sabbath is for the benefits of man. For man to rest and get well. Healing serves the very purpose of Sabbath rest.
Q2. What can we know about Jesus and God from Jesus' discourse in John 5:19-47 ?
  1. Jesus only follows His Father will and do nothing of His own.John5:19  ref John 15:5
  2. Father loves the Son and show him all that He is doing v20  
  3. John 5:21 For as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whom he will. v24
  4. Jesus is the Judge appointed by the Father. all may honor Jesus. v22-23, John 5:27
  5. Jesus represent the Father. v23 Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him.
  6. Jesus the Savior and Giver of Life John 5:24-26
  7. Jesus will be the Judge because He is the Son of Man v27 - He knows about man being himself a man. There is the Future Judgment of all people according to the good or evil done v28-29
  8. Jesus' judgment is fair because he has not motive for himself. John 5:30-32
  9. Evidence based faith
    John the Baptist born witness of Jesus.
    The works that Jesus did (eg the Healing) testified Jesus' power and authority - Sent from God the Father. John 5:36. Jesus was telling them to believe His words from the miracles and work He did. Christianity requires faith to believe but not blind faith. It is evidence based faith.
  10. The Bible OT bear witness about Jesus John 5:39 
  11. Man are strange. They glorify one another and believe one another rather than the testimony of Jesus, the One from God John 5:44
  12. Moses bear witness to Jesus John 5:46-47. Moses will rise up as at the Judgment Day to testify against those who reject Christ because he had specifically told them already. Men are without excuse when they face God.
Q3 Replace 'Jesus' with 'I' and 'Father' with 'Jesus' in John 5:19-24 and reread 

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