
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bible Study John 6 Feeding of Five Thousands

Q1 Read the same miracle recorded in other gospels. Compare them and see what we can learn about the incident and the characteristics of the author.

This miracle can be found in all the four Gospels. Mat 14:13-21, Mar 6:30-44, Luk 9:10-17 and Joh 6:1-13. By reading through all of them at the same time, we can get a more complete picture. By seeing what was written and what was missed out, we can see the intention of the author better. 

Luke 9:10 tells us that the incidence happened near the town of Bethsaida. John said it was "the other side of the Sea of Galilee". Jesus and His disciples were supposed to go to the other to get away from the crowd for a rest.

It took place on a mountain. The time was the Passover, the feast of the Jews.

Matthew and Luke recorded that Jesus had compassion on the people and healed all who had need of healing.

Mark specifically pointed out 6:34 "they were like sheep without a shepherd and He began to teach them many things". The teaching occurred late into the evening (Mark 6:35).

The monetary amount of food needed to feed the crowd was estimated in Mark 6:37 as 200 demarii or 200 day-wages. John specifically pointed out that his number was given by Philip. In John's account, the names were mentioned. It was Jesus asked Philip to feed them. It was Andrew who found the boy with 5 barley loaves and 2 fish. John was giving first hand account and very specific about people and less so on the numbers (in group of fifty was not mentioned).

Matthew 14:21 tells us that the 5 thousand men did not include the women and children. So the number of people fed that day could be 10 thousand or more.

While the instruction given by Jesus in Luke 9:14 was to be in group of fifties. Mark 6:40 tell us they actually sat in groups by the hundreds and fifties.

John 6:14-15 give us the a specific reason "the crowd wanted to take him by force to be king", that Jesus withdrew to the mountain by himself. Mat & Mar just recorded that Jesus asked his disciples to go off first and then he went up to the mountain to pray.

All recorded the key facts of the event:
1. The source of food: 5 loaves 2 fish 
2. 5 thousand men
3. Jesus gave thanks and distribute the food to the disciples.
4  The disciples then gave to the people seated in groups.
5. 12 baskets of fragments were collected after they have eaten.

Q2 What can learn about Jesus from the incidence?
  1. It is recorded clearly in John 6:14 "This is indeed the Prophet who is to come into the world!". Jesus is the Messiah, the Savior of the world.  No normal human being can multiply food instantly. It takes the true Creator to create things.
  2. Jesus as the good coach or teacher. Teaching by focusing with a question and then explanation and demonstration. 
  3. Jesus as a good organizer. Dividing the crowd into groups for easier distribution of food and ensuring no one was left out.
  4. Jesus as the environmental protection. There is no waste of food and keeping the place clean. The left over fragments were collected back in 12 baskets. This is a good start and a good ending. In a typical celebration, the place will be full of litters after the crowd dispensed.
  5. Jesus provide more than enough. God gives in abundance.
Q3 Who witnessed the Multiplication of Food?
It was the disciples who serve the food from Jesus to the people. It is in participation that we get to experience more. Some of the people may not know where did the food come from. They may get the answer later. Be the group that create and initiate the impact. Don't be just the spectators. Definitely don't be the ones that don't know what was going on.

Q4 How can we apply what we learned here?
  1. We have a God that had compassion on us. The Shepherd that will care, lead and provide for us. We just commit our needs to Him and trust Him to deliver.
  2. He will provide us "more than enough".
  3. We can learn from His way of handling things. Have a proper beginning and a good ending. We complete what we start.
  4. We learn to organize things - divide and care for better. No waste. Save the leftovers for future use and keep the place clean.

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