
Thursday, February 1, 2024

Jesus Healed A Man with a Withered Hand on a Sabbath - Luke 6:6-11

Will you still stick to your principles when under threats?
What makes for a mature person?


  • Our actions are being watched all the time. The more popular you are, the more people are watching you. Some to catch and accuse you and some to support you.

  • Will you stick to your principles in the face of threats or temptations? Despite the pressure, Jesus boldly did the right thing - healing on the Sabbath. People's health and life are more important than self-righteous people man made rules that violate the real spirit of the Sabbath - A time to worship and honor God. We love God by loving others because God is love.

  • The Sabbath is a day that we break from our daily routine of making a living for ourselves to spend time with God. It is a God-ordained rest day for us. It is a day to do good to others too as part of our worship.

What makes a mature person?
  • Proverbs 25:26 Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are the righteous who give way to the wicked.

  • 孟子:居天下之廣居,立天下之正位,行天下之大道。得志與民由之,不得志獨行其道。 富貴不能淫,貧賤不能移,威武不能屈。此之謂大丈夫。 

  • A great man will dwell in the broadest mansion of "benevolence" under the heavens, stand in the most correct position of "propriety", and walk on the widest path of "righteousness" in the sky. When ideals can be realized, a great man will walk on the right path with all the people of the world. When ideals cannot be realized, a great man will adhere to his principles and remain untainted by the wrongdoings of others. A great man, when faced with the temptation of money, always remains unmoved; even in poverty, he will not waver in his will. Even when faced with great threats and oppression, he will not bow his head. This is what a great man is.

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