
Monday, May 6, 2024

The Authority of Jesus Challenged Luke 20:1-8 --- Persuasion - Changing A Fixed Mindset

How can you change a person who has already made up their mind? Such a person will only look for evidence that supports their belief and ignore or reject any other evidence. So we cannot just state the truth directly. We must put them in question form, quoting from authorities that they also accept (start with the common ground), and leading them to think for themselves. See the illustrations given by Jesus.


  • To persuade people, to change people's minds, follow Jesus' method:
  • #1 Never give the answer directly.
  • #2 Put it in question format to get and lead them to think for themselves.
  • #3 Quote from the authorities that they also accept. - Focus or Start with Common Ground - John the Baptist
  • #4 Letting it go if they still do not want to change. Forcing them will not be effective. Just lead to a fight

  • Germini:
    • Your lessons from the passage align well with some key persuasion techniques! Here's a breakdown of how they translate into the world of persuasion:
    • 1. **Don't Give the Answer Directly:** This relates to the idea of **discovery learning**. By asking questions that nudge people towards the answer you want them to find themselves, they become more invested in the conclusion and more likely to remember it.
    • 2. **Question Format:** This taps into the power of **active listening** and **open-ended questions**. When people are actively involved in the conversation and think critically about the topic, they're more receptive to new ideas.
    • 3. **Quote Authorities:** This is essentially using **ethos**, a pillar of persuasion that relies on credibility. Citing sources the other person trusts adds weight to your argument.
    • 4. **Letting Go:** This highlights the importance of **picking your battles**. Not everyone will be open to persuasion, and forceful tactics will likely backfire. Sometimes, the best approach is to walk away gracefully.
    • Here are some additional tips for persuasion, inspired by your insights:
    • * **Focus on Common Ground:** Find areas of agreement with the person you're trying to persuade. This creates a sense of trust and makes them more receptive to your ideas.
    • * **Tell Stories:** Stories can be powerful tools for persuasion. They can connect with people on an emotional level and make your arguments more memorable.
    • * **Be Patient:** Persuasion is often a slow process. Don't expect people to change their minds overnight.
    • By following these tips, you can increase your chances of successfully persuading others, while still honoring the spirit of Jesus' approach in the passage.

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