
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Parable of the Wicked Tenants Luke 20:9-18 --- Fair & Just Rewards

We tend to think that we are the ones doing the work and making all the contributions. We ignore the value provided by our bosses and owners in providing the work environment, resources, know-how, branding, relationships, etc for us to do well in work. We often wonder why we give thanks for the food on the table when we are the ones who pay and cook the food.  Such ingratitude, ignorance, and self-centeredness will cause us to act in unjust ways, be ingrateful, and harm those whom we should give thanks to. Do not think we are not like the wicked tenants, maybe we are just like them to a lesser degree! Do we give our tithes? Do we argue that tithes are for OT only?


  • Need to find good tenants before handing over the tasks.
  • Need to be grateful and appreciative. Don't discount the value that others bring, especially our bosses.
  • Understand the total value model and work out the contribution of each and be able to pay accordingly.
  • Importance of Responsible Stewardship:
    • Those entrusted with tasks should be responsible and accountable.
  • The robber is someone who brings nothing and yet wants to take the fruits of others' labor.
  • Don't let greed take control of us. Stay in the path of righteousness, fair and just.
  • God will be the final judge and punish the evil people. Trust God to execute justice.
  • God expects fruit from his people:
    • The vineyard symbolizes God's creation or his chosen people. The owner sending servants to collect fruit represents God sending prophets and messengers to remind people to follow his teachings and live righteously.
  • God's patience and love:
    • The parable highlights God's patience in sending multiple servants despite receiving mistreatment. This reflects God's enduring love and desire for people to return to him.

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