
Sunday, March 31, 2024

A Woman with a Disabling Spirit Luke 13:10-17 --- Rules are for the Benefits of Men

We are to be careful not to misinterpret rules and use them against people. Rules are for outside behavior and may not reflect inner intentions. Confucius said, "If a person is not benevolent, then their observance of ritual and music is nothing more than empty formalism.". That is exactly why Jesus called the synagogue ruler a hypocrite for stopping healing on the Sabbath.


  • #1 Sickness can be caused by evil spirits.

  • #2 To pray for healing for such a case, command the evil spirit to go and the person be freed from the particular sickness.

  • #3 All rules are to be made for the benefit of the lives of people. Human lives are more important than man-made rules

  • #4 Hypocrisy is outward behavior without corresponding inward goodness.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Pre & Post Believers - Luke 13:1-9 --- Is Your Faith Real?

Pre-believers are given a warning to repent and receive Jesus' salvation before it is too late. How one died is no indication of one's badness as most people thought. All are sinners and need repentance for salvation.

After salvation, we need to live the new life and bear good spiritual fruit such as love, patience, kindness, goodness etc. With the fruit, we can be confident.


For Pre-believers

  • #1 Don't worry about how you die. Make sure you can live forever by repentance, which means to turn away from sin and turn towards God.
  • #2 A reminder that God's judgment is coming for all, and we should be prepared. Repent now, seize the opportunity of salvation.
  • #3 to live each day to the fullest, because we don't know when our time will come.


For Believers

Is Your Faith real?

  • #1 God expects us to bear fruit - See Gal 5:22-23 the fruit of the Spirit.
  • #2 We are given many chances and help, even so, there is no escape from final judgement.
  • #3 Christians are to bear fruits and if not, there will be no rewards. If no fruit, we are to reflect on whether we truly believe Jesus and is really saved. James 2:18 says, "But someone will say, 'You have faith and I have works.' Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works".

Friday, March 29, 2024

Predict the Outcome 1st & then Decide Luk 12:54-59 - OODA Observe, Orientate, Decide, Action.

Decision-making could be tough. But there is a proper way - OODA Observe, Orientate, Decide, Action. See how Jesus illustrates it...


  • #1 OODA Loop
    • Understanding how things work out --- read the signs and interpret the meaning and the consequences and then decide. OODA - Observe, Orientate, Decide, Action.
  • #2 Discernment:
    • Be aware of the physical and spiritual dimensions of things happening to us and others; recognize the significance of the present moment and take appropriate action.
  • #3 Personal Responsibility:
    • The importance of taking personal responsibility and resolving issues before they become larger problems.
  • #4 Reconciliation
    • The importance of reconciliation and settling disputes before they escalate into serious consequences. Spiritually, it symbolizing the need for repentance and seeking forgiveness from God before facing judgment.

Not Peace, but Division Luke 12:49-53 --- Gospel brings Divide

 Any new thing will challenge the existing one. There will be some for it and there will be some against it. Do you want to receive the grace of the gospel of Jesus Christ? It seems so simple, but you must admit your sins and your need for your salvation. It could be a dent to your ego.


  • Any new message that is better will challenge and overtake the present and past ideas. Jesus' message of grace is such a message. It challenges the status quo and will cause conflict.

  • Following Jesus requires commitment and prioritizing him above all else - forgetting the past and accepting the new.

You Must Be Ready - Luke-12:35-48--- Rewards

How not be caught by surprise? It is to be ready all the time. Sun Zi's Art of War tells us, "You cannot count on the Enemy not coming/attack but be ready for him when he comes/attack. We all will be held accountable for the things we do and let's us be found faithful.


  • We will be held accountable for our actions
    • Be faithful stewards of what God has entrusted to us
  • How can one be ready for Jesus' return anytime and be not surprised?
    • It is to be ready all the time. It is to be faithfully doing all the necessaries all the time regardless of whether anyone watching or not.
  • More Responsibility for the Able:
    • The more one has, the more one needs to contribute. The standards and so will the rewards be dependent on how one uses the resources he has to contribute to the kingdom of God.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Do Not Be Anxious Luke 12:22-34 --- Get Right with God 1st Will Get Rid of Worry

How not to be anxious? Know that it is useless. Better to know the God that is in charge of all things. Know that God cares for us. Know that the important thing in life is spiritual development and material development will follow. Pur God first and use money to serve God. Be generous and invest in the heavenly bank by giving to the needy.


  • Focus on seeking God's kingdom and our relationship with Him, our spiritual life, knowing God will care for us because we are His, and be calm and confident to live physically well.

  • Such faith and trust on God is not blind. Jesus asked us to look at the birds and lilies and God's care for them and because we are more valuable than them, God will surely care for us. So worry not.

  • Get our relationship right with God is more important. Getting this right will get other things in our life be right.

  • Gemini AI:
    • Don't worry about material possessions:
      • Jesus teaches that life is more than just food and clothing, and that we shouldn't be consumed by anxiety about our basic needs. God cares for us, and will provide for what we truly need.
    • Trust in God's providence:
      • Look at the birds of the air - they don't worry about where their next meal is coming from, yet God takes care of them. We are much more valuable to God than the birds, so we can trust that He will take care of us as well.
    • Worrying is unproductive:
      • Worrying won't change our circumstances or solve our problems. Instead of worrying, we should focus on things that we can control.
    • Seek God's Kingdom first:
      • Our focus should be on living according to God's will and building God's kingdom on earth. When we do this, God will take care of our needs.
    • Be generous:
      • Jesus instructs his disciples to sell their possessions and give to the needy. This is a call to generosity and to not place our ultimate security in material things.
    • Store up treasures in heaven:
      • The passage emphasizes that true wealth is found in our relationship with God and the things we do for Him. These treasures will last for eternity.
    • Where your treasure is, there your heart will be:
      • This proverb emphasizes that our priorities are revealed by how we spend our money and our time.

Monday, March 25, 2024

The Parable of the Rich Fool Luke 12:13-21--- Live for God & Not Wealth

When there are two conflicting objectives such as God vs Money, then one should subjugate one to another. You can choose God and use Money to serve God. Or you could make the mistake of choosing Money over God, and using god, religions, to serve Money. i.e. exploiting religions to make money like the prosperity gospel preachers. How is choosing Money over God wrong? Money is external and does not have life. God is the life-giver who is in charge of everything. Our life here is temporary. God is eternal. It is better to use the temporary external money to serve God to have a real and meaningful life, now and forevermore.


  • #1 Use wealth to serve God and not use god/religion to serve wealth like the prosperity gospels people.
  • #2 Life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. Our unused wealth is a testimony to our bad stewardship. Wealth is not measured by your possessions but by your contributions to God and society.
  • #3 Don't be a fool. Know the priorities of life.

  • ChatGPT AI gives us some very good lessons:
    • Guard Against Greed
      • The parable warns against the dangers of greed and materialism. The rich man in the story is solely focused on increasing his wealth and building bigger barns to store his crops, but he neglects the spiritual and relational aspects of life.
    • Life is Not Defined by Possessions
      • Jesus emphasizes that life does not consist in an abundance of possessions. True fulfillment and meaning in life come from relationships, serving others, and living in alignment with God's will.
    • Temporal vs. Eternal Perspective
      • The rich man in the parable is only concerned with his temporal needs and desires. However, Jesus reminds his listeners to consider the eternal perspective. Investing in spiritual matters and storing up treasures in heaven is far more valuable than earthly wealth.
    • Uncertainty of Life
      • The parable also highlights the uncertainty of life. The rich man assumes he has many years ahead to enjoy his wealth, but his life is unexpectedly cut short. This serves as a reminder that we should not take our lives or blessings for granted, but rather live with a sense of urgency and purpose.
    • Responsibility with Wealth
      • While wealth itself is not condemned in the passage, the responsible stewardship of wealth is emphasized. Jesus teaches that those who have been blessed with resources should use them wisely, not hoard them selfishly.
    • Prioritize Kingdom Values
      • Ultimately, the lesson encourages prioritizing the values of the kingdom of God over earthly pursuits. Seeking righteousness, generosity, and faithfulness should take precedence over the pursuit of wealth and worldly success.
    • Overall, the Parable of the Rich Fool serves as a cautionary tale against the dangers of greed, materialism, and misplaced priorities, while also highlighting the importance of living with an eternal perspective and prioritizing spiritual values.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Acknowledge Christ Before Men Luke 12:8-12 --- Boldly Sharing the Gospels by Words & Deeds

 If we believe something strongly, we will be telling others about it. If we are unsure, we may dare not share it.  Jesus is reminding us to examine our commitment to Him. Do we dare acknowledge Him and His teachings publicly? We may be worried that we are unable to do a good job. But seek and trust the Holy Spirit to help us. The root question is, are we willing?


  • #1 be bold to witness for Christ publicly.
    • Don't worry about what to say and the consequences, seek the Holy Spirit's guidance and leave the consequences to God. We are instructed to present the gospel in love (Eph. 4:15) and with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15)

    • Perplexity.AI: 
    • Acknowledging Christ, as mentioned in Luke 12:8, involves publicly confessing and proclaiming one's faith in Jesus before others. This act of acknowledgment goes beyond mere belief in the mind; it requires believers to openly speak about their faith and align their words and actions with the teachings of Jesus. By acknowledging Christ before men, individuals not only express their faith but also commit to living out their beliefs in a way that reflects Jesus' teachings and values. This public confession is significant as it demonstrates a deep commitment to Jesus, akin to making solemn vows or promises, and it is a crucial aspect of the Christian faith that emphasizes the importance of openly declaring one's allegiance to Christ. Ultimately, acknowledging Christ involves both verbal affirmation and living a life that reflects the teachings and values of Jesus, serving as a testimony to one's faith in Him

  • #2 Do not harden our heart against the promptings of the Holy Spirit

  • #3 Seek God for wisdom about what to say and do, especially when you are challenged for your sharing of the gospels.

Fear God then No Fears Luke 12:4-7 --- God cares for You

When you get the first button right, the rest of the buttons of the shirt will automatically line up properly. 
In the same way, when we fear the most powerful and loving one, we will have no fear for others.


  • #1 Fear the right One - The One who controls the destiny of eternality ... that is God.

  • #2 Then have no fear evermore because the Most Powerful God cares for you.

  • #3 Fear not what men can do to you. They can at most, affect your temporary life on Earth. You have better eternal life awaiting you.

  • #4 From the evidence, God knows the lives of the less valuable sparrows, God knows the small details of your body, the number of your hairs, showing God is in control of everything. This emphasizes God's immense care for creation. then choose to Trust God and live without fear.

  • Perplexity:
    • The idea that fear is the most powerful emotion and that love is what overcomes it is a profound concept that resonates with many. Fear, being a primal and intense emotion, can indeed have a strong grip on us, influencing our thoughts and actions. However, the belief that love, as a contrasting force, has the ability to conquer fear by opening us up to life with passion, excitement, and acceptance is equally compelling. Love, often seen as the antithesis of fear, has the power to inspire courage, empathy, and connection.
    • In essence, while fear may be potent and capable of overwhelming us, it is through love that we find the strength to face our fears, embrace vulnerability, and move forward with resilience. Love encourages us to see beyond our limitations, fosters understanding and compassion, and ultimately empowers us to live authentically and wholeheartedly.
    • Therefore, the notion that love is more powerful than fear speaks to the transformative nature of love in overcoming obstacles, fostering growth, and nurturing a sense of interconnectedness with others and the world around us.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees Luke 12:1-4 --- Live Truthfully, Even in Solitude one is Cautious

The fundamental problem of the Pharisees was hypocrisy --- pretending and showing what they were not. Jesus warned us that we could not hide anything, all things will be revealed one day. He reminded us that the Lord would come at a time that surprised us and caught us unprepared. How could we prepare for the sudden appearance? By living truthfully whether anyone is watching or not. By being true to ourselves, by reflecting on our lives often, so that we can continue to develop ourselves. Such teaching is covered well in Chinese Classics using the term 慎独 Cautions even when alone when no one is watching. 

Colossians 3:22-24 New International Version 22 Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. 23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.


  • #1 All hypocrisy will be exposed. It is better to live truthfully.

  • #2 How to develop truthful living? Cautious in Solitude
    • 君子- 慎独

      a person of virtue - is cautious in solitude.

      • 《中庸》

        Doctrine of the Mean

        • “天命之谓性,率性之谓道,修道之谓教。道也者,不可须臾离也;可离,非道也。

          "What Heaven has conferred is called human nature. Following our nature is called the Way. Cultivating the Way is called education. The Way cannot be left for an instant. If it could be left, it would not be the Way.

        • 是故君子戒慎乎其所不睹,恐惧乎其所不闻。莫见乎隐,莫显乎微,故君子慎其独也。”

           Therefore, the superior man watches his behavior when alone. He is apprehensive over what he does not see and what he does not hear. There is nothing more visible than what is hidden, and nothing more manifest than what is subtle. Therefore, the superior man is cautious when alone."

      • 《大学》

         Great Learning

        • "所谓诚其意者,毋自欺也。如恶恶臭,如好好色,此之谓自谦。故君子必慎其独也。小人闲居为不善,无所不至,见君子而后厌然,掩其不善,而著其善。人之视己,如见其肺肝然,则何益矣。此谓诚于中,形于外,故君子必慎其独也。"

          "What is meant by 'making the thoughts sincere' is to not deceive oneself. We dislike foul smells, as we like beautiful colors. This is called self-cultivation for the humility of accepting the truth. Therefore, the virtuous man must be watchful over himself when alone. The petty person, when idle, indulges in wrongdoing without restraint, sparing no effort in their misdeeds. Upon encountering a superior individual, they become ashamed, concealing their faults while flaunting their virtues. If one's self-examination is as thorough as examining one's own organs, what good does it do? This is called sincerity within, manifesting outwardly, hence the superior individual must be cautious in solitude.'"

  • #3 Because we are truthful all the time, we are not afraid of being spot-checked. We are well prepared for the sudden appearance of our Master - the Son of God.
    • Must be Ready anytime and all the time. Luke 12:35-48

      The Master comes at the time you think not.

      • Luk 12:43 Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing (awake, dressed, lamp burning, ready to serve) when he comes.
      • Luk 12:40  You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” 
  • Gemini:君子- 慎独
    • 君子 is a Chinese term that refers to a person of good character, virtue, and morality. It is often translated as "gentleman" or "superior man," but it can also be understood as a person of integrity, honor, and compassion.
    • 慎独 is a Chinese term that means "to be careful in one's solitude." It is the idea that a person should always be mindful of their behavior, even when they are alone and no one is watching.
    • 君子- 慎独
      • Together, 君子- 慎独 can be understood as the idea that a person of good character should always be careful in their behavior, even when they are alone. This is because a person's true character is revealed in their actions, even when they are not being observed by others.
    • The importance of 慎独
      • 慎独 is an important concept in Chinese philosophy because it emphasizes the importance of self-cultivation and personal development. It is the belief that a person can only become a truly good person if they are constantly striving to improve themselves, even when no one is watching.
    • How to practice 慎独
      • There are many ways to practice 慎独. One way is to be mindful of your thoughts and actions throughout the day. Another way is to set high standards for yourself and to always strive to meet those standards. You can also practice 慎独 by being honest with yourself and by always doing what you know to be right, even when it is difficult.
    • The benefits of 慎独
      • There are many benefits to practicing 慎独. When you are careful in your behavior, even when you are alone, you become a more trustworthy and reliable person. You also develop a stronger sense of self-discipline and self-control. Additionally, practicing 慎独 can help you to become a more moral and ethical person.
    • Conclusion
      • 慎独 is an important concept in Chinese philosophy that can help you to become a better person. By practicing 慎独, you can develop a stronger character, become more trustworthy and reliable, and become a more moral and ethical person.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Woes to the Pharisees & Lawyers Luke 11:37-54 --- The Wake-up Call

Sometimes, at the right opportunity, we need a strong wake-up call for us to our live in the right order. That was what Jesus did.


  • Perplexity: Jesus' actions can be seen as a call to reflection and transformation rather than mere rudeness

  • Is it a good time to lecture them?
    • It was a gathering of Pharisees and Lawyers vs the common people that Jesus addressed.
    • What were the most important messages they should hear from Jesus
    • Woes' are strong warnings, to wake them up, to pay attention to the seriousness of the messages.
  • Gemini:
    • Inner Purity Matters More than Outward Rituals: True faith requires good deeds and good character, not just following rituals.
    • Justice and Love of God are Paramount: Religious practices should reflect concern for others and a connection with God, not just following rules.
    • Beware of Burdening Others: Religious leaders shouldn't impose heavy restrictions on people that they don't follow.
    • Openness to Truth: Seeking and accepting knowledge is important, and those who hold authority shouldn't hinder that pursuit.
  • The Pharisees are hypocrites and show-off and the Lawyers are persecutors of prophets and misleading the people with burdensome laws and lies. Both are bad. But the lawmakers are worse because they harm others.

Monday, March 18, 2024

The Light in You Luke 11:33-36 ---- You are a Lamp to show & lead

If you want to be a light, you must start with yourself. Focus your input, your eyes, on the good things, and block out the bad things. Reflect on your values and increase your discernment, then confidently live out your good life as examples for others to follow.


  • #1 If you have light, then let your light shine, with your behavior as an example for others to follow. But don't put up a show but they should naturally flow from our inner light.

  • #2 To shine out light, your input, your eyes, must be able to discern the right and wrong, the good and bad, and then guard and control your input --- let in the good and keep out the bad.

  • #3 Reflection - Examine our own values, are they right, or are they good. Get rid of the wrong and bad. Check our motives and beliefs. We need to make sure our inner light isn't clouded by negativity.
  • #4 Be confident and live out your life as an example for others to follow.

  • Gemini: live a life guided by good principles, and let your good deeds inspire others.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Sign of Jonah Luke 11:29-32 --- Scientific Mindset

Religion should not be superstitious. Science and Religion should be integrated and be mutually supportive. Because the creator God is a God of order, it enables science to discover the workings of all things and enables all to make wonderful things like airplanes, computers, medicines, etc etc. Jesus wants us to believe Him not by many signs and wonders but by examining his messages and the corresponding actions. Have you critically questioned your beliefs, opinions, prejudices, etc? How do you know the truth?


  • #1 Sign vs Evidence:
    • Signs:
      • Nature: Often miraculous, dramatic events outside the normal course of things. Wanting God to break His created order.
      • Purpose: Can be seen as a way to impress or convince through spectacle.
      • Subjectivity: Open to interpretation and can lack verifiability.
    • Evidence:
      • Nature: Can be factual information, observations, or data. Nature is God's created order.
      • Purpose: To support or refute an idea through a more objective lens.
      • Objectivity: Ideally verifiable and repeatable, allowing for broader acceptance.
    • In the context of the passage, the crowds are demanding signs – something miraculous to prove Jesus's divinity. Jesus, however, emphasizes his teachings and actions as the true evidence of his message.
  • #2 Gemini:
    • Lesson 1: Look Beyond the Spectacle
      • The passage reminds us not to get caught up in seeking dramatic signs or miracles as proof of something greater. True understanding might lie in the teachings and actions themselves, rather than a sensational display.
      • For example, when considering a new product or idea, flashy marketing or hype shouldn't overshadow the actual value or evidence behind it.
    • Lesson 2: Be Open to Different Forms of Evidence
      • While the passage criticizes demanding signs, it doesn't reject seeking evidence altogether. The difference lies in the approach. Be open to various forms of evidence, whether it's scientific data, personal experiences, historical accounts, or scripture.
      • This encourages critical thinking and a willingness to learn from various sources. It highlights that evidence can come in many forms, and being open-minded allows for a more complete understanding.
    • Lesson 3: Importance of Action and Message
      • The Sign of Jonah emphasizes the importance of Jesus' teachings and actions, not just his miraculous abilities. This can be applied more generally to our own lives as well.
      • Our actions and the messages we convey often hold more weight than simply grand gestures or pronouncements. Focus on living a life that reflects your values and sharing your message in a way that resonates with others.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Return of Demon & True Blessings Luke 11:24-28 --- Sieze the Opportunity

Successful and blessed life is about seizing the opportunity and maintaining victory by following God's teachings and His grace provided for us. It is about us responding to God's grace to enable us to lead a life that follows His teachings.


  • #1 When we are still in our right mind, in control of ourselves, may we be humble and seek the truth. Carefully examine the evidence and the promises of the Gospel, of Jesus, of His salvation and grace

  • #2 When we don't correct a mistake as early as possible it will become worse and unmanageable. Fix it as early as possible.
  • #3 Be grateful to our source of life, our God, our parents, and all who take care of us when we are growing up.

  • #4 Comparatively, God's will is more important. God's offer of grace and salvation is the true source of life and let us receive it and then be good to our earthly source of life.

  • #5 True blessedness is receiving Christ's salvation and eternal life.
  • Gemini: Combined Message: Living a life following God's teachings is essential to avoid falling back into negative patterns. Hearing and following God's word brings true and lasting blessings.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Asking Persistently Luk 11:5-13 --- Ask, Trust, Wait - Don't give up

Who do you ask for help is the key to your answer. 
Jesus reminded us that our Heavenly Father is willing to give of His best (Holy Spirit) to us.
So, we can be bold to ask, expecting to have an answer but we must trust His wisdom that He will give us at the right time. So in the meantime, don't give up and be depressed. Instead, wait expectantly and with peace and joy. Your answer is on the way.


  • #1 the principles of persistence, faith, and boldness in prayer, reminding them of God's faithfulness and willingness to answer their prayers when they seek Him earnestly.

  • #2 Trust God's wisdom in answering your prayer. The key is even man of sin is able to give good gifts to their children, how much more your loving heavenly Father will give of Himself to you. So, trust and wait patiently and never give up hope on Him.

  • Romans 8:32 says, "He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?"

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Lord's Prayer Luke 11:1-4 --- The template for our Daily Reflection

We can begin or end our day with the Lord's prayer. It is a template for our prayers and for our reflection. It helps us to plan our day and also to reflect and learn at the end of the day.


  • #1 Why should God listen to our prayers? Because He is our father. We have a powerful father who loves us and cares for us.
  • #2 If God is our Father, we need to respect and listen to Him.
  • #3 God's will is best and we need to submit to it so that His blessings can come to us on this earth.
  • #4 We draw strength from God not just physical foods but spiritual foods too. We read and talk to God daily.
  • #5 When we are stirred to feel uncomfortable, we are to reflect and confess our sins and seek forgiveness, if there be any.
  • #6 In the same way, if we have any bitterness against anyone, may God give us the grace to forgive them first.
  • #7 May we be alert to the temptations we face every day. May God give us the wisdom and strength to overcome them. May we live victoriously, focusing on and being obedient to God's will for us.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Martha and Mary Luke 10:38-41 --- Prioritize

Are you feeling very busy and yet not making progress?
The reason is that you did not get the priorities right.
Find out what's most important first and then align all activities toward it. That is called strategic thinking and strategizing. Find the purpose, the visions, and work out the plan, and then execute it.


  • #1 Start with Jesus - inviting Jesus to our life.
  • #2 Once we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, we should start with knowing and asking Him to lead us.
  • #3 It is no longer what we think is good for Jesus. Many people serve Jesus with good intentions of gratitude, but they get the order wrong. They think about what will be good for Jesus rather than asking Jesus what should we be doing. That was Martha's error, a mixed-up priority.
  • #4 Once we get the priority right, start to do the most important thing first, then the other activities will be automatically lined up and we will do them with joy and effectiveness.
  • #5 What is the most important goal and what are the activities to do first?
  • ChatGPT: The key message here is about the balance between action and contemplation in the Christian life. While service and action are crucial, they must be grounded in a deep relationship with Jesus, nurtured through prayer, meditation, and study of his word. It's not about choosing one over the other but finding harmony between them, recognizing that our service flows from our relationship with Christ.
  • Gemini: It can also be seen as a call to find balance in life. Both Martha's busyness and Mary's attentiveness are important. Ultimately, the story is about listening to Jesus' teachings. This is the "good portion" that Mary has chosen.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

The Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37 --- Who is your neighbor?

When we do not truly believe,  we will try to find loopholes and faults to justify ourselves.
The lawyer was an expert in such ---- finding contractual loopholes and adding clauses to protect his client. Jesus was able to point out the 'loophole' and cover it up so that no one can find excuses.


  • #1 We are to love God and Man. Loving man is a way to love God.
  • #2 our neighbor is someone with needs that we come across
  • #3 helping others also means inconvenience and costly to ourselves. Do we want to pay the price?
  • #4 In today's time, it could be a scam to cheat us. How can we be wise?
  • From ChatGPT: The true measure of righteousness is not merely knowing what one ought to do but actively living it out in compassion and mercy towards others.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Jesus Rejoices in the Father's Will Luke 10:21-24 --- Be Humble to Learn the Truth

Do we feel we know and learn not and then when things go wrong we blame others for not telling us?
What is the Father's will for us? Be humble and open-minded to see the truth of God's grace, especially the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us.


  • #1 God reveals Himself to all but only those who behave like little children will be able to see and receive it.
  • #2 Childlikeness is:
    • Only the child's purity, unbiasedness, and willingness to learn, can see God. The one who thinks he knows will not see.
    • Children are others-centered - parents, siblings ...
    • Gemini:
      • Humility: Children are open to learning and lack the pride or self-assuredness that can hinder understanding spiritual truths.
      • Trust: Children have a natural trust in their parents, similar to the faith needed to accept God's teachings.
      • Openness: Children are curious and eager to learn, approaching new things with a fresh perspective.
      • Dependence: Children rely on their parents for guidance and provision, similar to how we rely on God.
  • #3 Forget not the danger of false teachings
    • Learn to judge with God's revelation of values and truth
    • Gemini: Finding the Balance:
      • The Bible encourages a balance between child-like faith and discernment. Here are some ways to achieve this:
      • Seek Knowledge: Study the Bible and teachings of trusted faith leaders to build a foundation of knowledge.
      • Develop Discernment: Learn to recognize truth from falsehood by comparing teachings to scripture and considering the source.
      • Pray for Wisdom: Ask God for wisdom to navigate complex issues and avoid deception.
      • Find a Spiritual Community: Surround yourself with mature believers who can offer guidance and support.

Friday, March 8, 2024

The Return of the Seventy-Two Luke 10:17-20 --- Identity better than Possession

 We tend to go after possession and to let our possession define our worth. But that is getting the order wrong. We must seek first the Giver and His gifts will come automatically. Have a relationship with God and be a child of God and we will have a secure identity that comes with authority and protection. It is relating to God that gives us joy and not because of our possessions.


  • Seek the giver over the gifts. Our being and our identity are more important than our possessions. Don't let our possessions define us or others. Our relationships with God are more valuable than power. Our identity gives us authority and power. Get right with God first.
  • True joy comes from a relationship with God. We are secure in Christ.
  • Authority & Protection comes from our relationship with God --- as children of God. Hence, have the courage to go and share the gospels, proclaiming His kingdom, power, and healing. etc,

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Jesus Sends Out the 72 Luke 10:1-16 --- Sharing the Good News with Wisdom and Confidence

How to grow big quickly to seize the opportunities? Be not the bottleneck. Get, train, and delegate the tasks to many co-workers. There will always be opposition and obstacles to your growth. So be ready and wise in handling them. Trust that there is a God who maintains justice. So keep your confidence and positivism despite the challenges. 


  • #1 Recognize the potential opportunities
  • #2 Develop a large team by delegation and training. Let not yourself be the bottleneck of growth.
  • #3 It is a dangerous world - not all people appreciate your work. Be diligent and watchful, of traps, scams, and attacks. Be not just righteous but also wise and run away if needs be.
  • #4 Trust God fully. Be lightweight and agile to move. Don't be pinned down. Be ready to move on call.
  • #5 Start with positive attitudes. Give and bless people first.
  • #6 Handle rejection well - do not be angry and fight back. maintain your calm, trust God for justice. Neither be discouraged and give out.
  • #7 You are ambassadors of Christ. Anyone who receives you will also receive Christ and God. He who rejects you is also rejecting Christ and God.
  • #8 Take courage and confidence in sharing the gospels despite the opposition. Know that there is more for you than against you.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The Cost of Following Jesus Luke 9:57-62 - Making Decision & Execution

Life is determined by 2 things - Making Decisions and the Execution of the Decisions. Your present situation is determined by the decisions you make and how you execute those decisions. If you want a better future, you must start to make better decisions and then be committed to the execution of those decisions.

Jesus gave us practical lessons on decision-making and execution.


  • #1 Consider the consequences before action.
    • 孙子在《形篇》是故,胜兵先胜而后求战,败兵先战而后求胜。”

      Sun Zi: winners win first and then fight (make themselves invincible first and only fight the war he can win); whereas the losers fight first and then try to win

  • #2 Compare the priorities and then decide.

  • #3 Once decided, be fully committed to the execution of the mission.

For & Against - Luke 9:49-56

Building bridges is much better than building walls. As long as our purpose and values are the same, we can work together, even at a distance. Inclusivity is better than exclusivity.


  • From Gemini:
    • Focus on the Kingdom of God: Jesus' response emphasizes that the goal is not to build an exclusive group around him but to work towards the expansion of God's kingdom. Anyone who aligns with that purpose, even if they are not part of the inner circle of disciples, should be welcomed and supported.

    • Importance of Inclusivity: The passage encourages inclusivity and openness in following Jesus. It challenges the disciples' possessiveness and exclusivity, reminding them that God's work extends beyond their group.

    • Focus on Action over Affiliation: Jesus emphasizes the importance of action in doing good, rather than focusing on who is doing it or their affiliation. As long as someone's actions align with God's will, they should be encouraged, regardless of their background or connection to a specific group.


  • 1. Focus despite opposition:
    • Be focused and not be distracted by any opposition toward achieving our goals.
  • 2. Self-reflection on judgment and exclusion:
    • a call for self-reflection on our own tendencies towards judgment and exclusion. Don't be impulsive and proud.
  • 3. Bypassing conflict:
    • Progress does not mean head-on conflicts with oppositions, but rather, may be faster and less costly, to take the by-pass.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Bible Study using Generative AI on "Who Is the Greatest?" Luke 9:46-48

With the availability of Generative AI like ChatGPT and Gemini, we have a new and effective way of studying the Bible. The step is then to send our study passage to ChatGPT or Gemini and get their response. We can then think, reflect, and extend our understanding of the passage, and conclude with a mind map. The basic steps of observing the facts,  interpreting, and applying remain unchanged. So we conclude with lessons learned.

Here is an example using Luke 9:46-48.

From Gemini:

Here's a breakdown of the verse:

    • "Whoever receives this child in my name receives me...": Jesus emphasizes that showing hospitality and kindness to those who are vulnerable and marginalized, like children, is akin to showing it to him directly.
    • "...and whoever receives me receives him who sent me: By welcoming those in need, one also welcomes God, who sent Jesus.
    • "For he who is least among you all is the one who is great": This statement subverts the disciples' worldly understanding of greatness based on power and status. True greatness, according to Jesus, lies in humility and service to others, particularly those who are considered unimportant by society.

The verse highlights the importance of:

    • Humility: True greatness comes from serving others, not seeking self-importance.
    • Compassion: Showing care and kindness to those in need, especially the vulnerable.
    • Hospitality: Welcoming and caring for others, regardless of their status.

This passage continues to be a reminder for Christians to prioritize service and compassion in their pursuit of following Jesus' teachings.


In Luke 9:46-48, Jesus teaches his disciples about the true nature of greatness in the kingdom of God. The passage reads:

"46 Then a dispute arose among them as to which of them would be greatest. 47 And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a little child and set him by Him, 48 and said to them, 'Whoever receives this little child in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me. For he who is least among you all will be great.'"

This passage reveals an important lesson about humility and servanthood in the kingdom of God. The disciples, influenced by worldly notions of power and prestige, engage in a dispute over who among them is the greatest. However, Jesus responds by using a child as an illustration of true greatness.

By placing a child in their midst, Jesus demonstrates that greatness in God's kingdom is not measured by status, wealth, or authority, but rather by humility, innocence, and dependence. Children were often considered insignificant in the ancient world, yet Jesus elevates them as examples of the kind of attitude his followers should embody.

Furthermore, Jesus emphasizes the importance of receiving others with humility and compassion, particularly those who are marginalized or vulnerable. He equates receiving a child in his name with receiving him and, by extension, receiving God the Father who sent him. This underscores the interconnectedness of relationships within the kingdom of God and the importance of treating others with love and respect.

Lastly, Jesus challenges the disciples to embrace a posture of humility and servanthood, teaching them that true greatness is found in serving others rather than seeking recognition or power for oneself. In God's kingdom, the least among us—the ones who humbly serve and care for others—are considered great.

Overall, Luke 9:46-48 emphasizes the radical nature of Christian discipleship, which calls for a shift away from worldly standards of greatness towards a humble and sacrificial way of living modeled after the example of Jesus himself.


  • Ambassadors represent their countries just as a child represents his creator. How we treat another person created by God represents how we treat God.
    • 1 John 4:20 says, "If anyone says, 'I love God,' and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen".
  • Greatness is not measured by how you rule and served by others but by how much you serve or contribute to the well being of others.
  • Wealth is not measured by how much you possess but by how much you give away to benefit others.