
Monday, May 27, 2024

Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus Luke 22:47-53 --- Strategic Planning & Secrecy

The key teachings of Sun Zi's Art of War are illustrated well in this betrayer and arrest of Jesus. We have to be watchful and plan accordingly, considering the seasons, terrains, and motivations of all stakeholders. This is about strategic planning and execution.


  • 1. Strategic Planning and Secrecy:
    • #1 A plan must be carried out in secretly and in stealth mode so as not to arouse attention and opposition. It must be a surprise, an unexpected thing to catch the enemy off-guard.
  • 2. The Danger of Betrayal from Within:
    • #2 The worst enemy is an insider betrayer who knew the most and most difficult to be discover like Judas. While Jesus knew all along, His disciples didn't. Jesus gave the decision to Judas.
  • 3. Avoid Impulsive Actions:
    • #3 Do not act impulsively like Peter who may have caused a big fight with lots of injuries and even death. His four people could not overcome the larger crowd of the chief priests and their servants and guards.
  • 4. Evaluate Consequences Before Acting:
    • #4 Sun Zi's Art of War teaches us to evaluate the consequences before taking action. He tell us to choose to fight only the wars we could win. That is the secret of hundred battles hundred victories.
  • 5. Seek Peace When Outmatched:
    • - Jesus healed the servant’s ear to prevent further violence. This demonstrates that when faced with an unwinnable situation, it is wise to minimize harm and seek a peaceful resolution
    • Luke 14:31-32 (NIV): "Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace."
  • 6. Timing and Location in Strategic Planning:
    • #6 Planning must choose the timing and battlefield advantages - The priests dare not arrest Jesus in the morning. They chose to arrest Jesus at night and at a secluded place where no others were present.
  • 7. Commitment to Higher Purpose:
    • #7 You cannot win a war when your men do not want to fight. In this case, Jesus was willing to be captured to fulfill the scripture. Jesus' willingness to be captured to fulfill the scriptures shows that a true leader understands and commits to a higher purpose, even at a personal cost.
  • 8. Adapt to the Current Environment:
    • - Recognize the prevailing conditions and act accordingly. During the “hour when darkness reigns,” it is wise to avoid confrontation, survive, and wait for a more favorable time to act. Understanding the context and timing is crucial for success.

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