
Sunday, May 26, 2024

Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives Luke 22:39-46 --- Be Watchful & Pray

People who are strong, whether spiritually or physically, come from the accumulation of daily discipline routines.  Our weaknesses reveal our lack of constant training. When times are difficult, the more we need to pray to rely on God's grace, strength, and wisdom.  Let us develop a daily routine, as Jesus did, of a quiet time of communion with God.


  • Believers are to have a quiet time with God daily even as Jesus did that.

  • In all times, especially in challenging times, we are to pray to God for guidance and strengths

  • Even Jesus had times of weakness, but His will and obedience overcame His human weakness.
  • More so, we should rely on God's grace and strength to overcome our trials.

  • Jesus' agony was shocking --- He was sweating out blood.

  • His disciples were of not much help in His time of distress. He was concerned about their potential failures and reminded them to pray for strength.
    • reminds us of the importance of supporting each other during difficult times.

  • God will answer our prayers. God even had angels for us as He sent angels to strengthen Jesus.
    • Hebrews 1:14 (ESV) "Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?"

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