Thursday, June 20, 2024

Get Rid of the Old Self Col 3:5-9 --- The Sins of Immorality, evil desires...

Creating a list of negative behaviors and intentions isn't difficult. We often recognize these faults in others more readily than in ourselves. Therefore, it is essential to regularly examine our hearts and actions to ensure we stay on the right path. Consider the list shown below. 

Someone once noted that greed is particularly deceptive; people rarely recognize it in themselves. They might view it as a desire for improvement, a better job, a higher salary, or a more comfortable life. The pursuit of "more" is commonly seen as positive. However, we must be cautious, as Paul describes greed as idolatry.


  • #1 Get rid of Old-Self
    • 1 Immorality - Any form of sexual sin or unethical behavior.
    • 2 Uncleanness - Impurity in thought, word, or deed.
    • 3 Passions/Lusts - Inordinate or excessive desires, especially sexual desires.
    • 4 Evil Desires - Craving or longing for what is wrong or forbidden.
    • 5 Greed - An insatiable desire for more, particularly wealth, with wealth as idol.
    • 6 Anger - Strong feelings of displeasure or hostility.
    • 7 Rage - Intense and uncontrolled anger.
    • 8 Malice - Desire to harm others or see them suffer.
    • 9 Slander - Speaking falsely or maliciously about someone.
    • 10 Abuse/Filthy Language - Using coarse, obscene, or hurtful words.
    • 11 Lies - Deception or untruthfulness in speech or actions.
  • #2 Use it as a not-to-do checklist in reviewing our behavior
  • #3 Live out the New self (see next paragraph)


  • Heavenly Father,
    • Thank You for the guidance of Your Word. Help me to put to death the old self with its sinful ways and to rid myself of immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, greed, anger, rage, malice, slander, filthy language, and lies. Fill me with Your Spirit so that I may live out the new self, clothed in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and love. Grant me the wisdom to examine my behavior regularly and the strength to make the necessary changes. May my life reflect Your grace and bring glory to Your name. 

    • --- In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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