Sunday, June 16, 2024

Let No One Disqualify You Col 2:16-23 ---- Legalism and Asceticism Intensify Desire

Many rules are intended to improve us but often backfire. Most religions teach rules, typically of the 'thou shall not' variety, which seem reasonable but can be ineffective. They lack the power to help us obey them consistently; we know we shouldn't do something, yet we do. In Christianity, the focus is on 'Christ in You'—the empowering presence that enables us to do what is right, not just avoid what is wrong. Ironically, being told not to do something often increases our desire to do it.


  • 1. Hold Firm to Christ's Teachings
    • - Believers should adhere to the teachings received from Christ and not be swayed by external judgments or criticisms.
  • 2. Freedom from Legalistic Practices
    • - Ignore teachings that impose restrictions on eating, drinking, and participation in celebrations, festivals, or specific forms of worship. These practices are not the essence of true spirituality.
  • 3. Discernment Against False Teachings
    • - Be wary of teachings that claim divine origin from 'angels' or other sources. Hold firmly to the teachings of Christ, recognizing Him as the Head of the Church.
  • 4. False Wisdom of Ascetic Practices
    • - Abstinence from various things, as promoted by false wisdom, lacks real value and can actually lead to fleshly indulgence rather than spiritual growth.
  • 5. Enjoying Freedom in Christ
    • - Focus on Christ and center your life around Him. Embrace the freedom we have in Christ to do what is right and Christ-like. This freedom allows us to live righteously without being consumed by the fear of sinning, thus not becoming fixated on sin.
  • By understanding and applying these lessons, believers can live in the freedom and fullness of life that Christ offers, free from the constraints of legalism and false teachings. This freedom empowers us to live a life that reflects Christ's love and righteousness, enjoying the liberty we have in Him.


  • Dear Heavenly Father,
    • Thank You for the freedom we have in Christ. Help us to hold firmly to His teachings and not be swayed by external judgments or false doctrines. Guide us to live in the liberty You've given us, free from legalistic practices and human traditions.

    • Grant us discernment to recognize and reject false teachings that detract from Your truth. Let us always focus on Christ as our head, finding true wisdom and growth in our relationship with Him.

    • Lord, help us to embrace the freedom we have in You, living righteously and joyfully without fear. May our lives reflect Your love and truth as we walk in the freedom of Your grace.

    • In Jesus' name, we pray.
      • Amen.

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